Do not stretch the adhesive tape while applying the pulse oximeter sensor.
Ensure that the wrist band fits comfortably on the user
’s arm. Do not over-tighten the wrist band.
Pulse oximeter readings might be affected while users are being defibrillated.
Radios and cell phones or similar devices may affect the wrist oximeter and should be kept at least 7
feet away from the device.
Use in emergency vehicles with communication systems may affect accuracy.
measurements may be adversely affected in the presence of high ambient light.
The device should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment. If adjacent or stacked
use is necessary, the device should be observed carefully to verify normal operation.
The use of accessories, sensors, and cables other than those listed in this manual may result in
increased emission and /or decreased immunity of this device.
DO NOT use the oximeter for diagnosing or treating any illnesses.
Before using any sensor, carefully read the direction for use.
Do not, under any circumstance, perform any testing or maintenance on the wrist oximeter before
and after it is being used.
Verify that all visible indicators appear during the start-up (initialization) sequence. If any indicator
does not appear, do not use wrist oximeter. Contact Choice Customer support for assistance.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters
such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones
and land mobile radios
amateur radio
AM and FM radio broadcast towers and TV broadcast towers
may affect accuracy.