VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
3381 Cambie Street, #211
© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3
All rights reserved
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Cross-exchange (Parts only): You will need to provide a valid credit card number as a deposit
guarantee when the RMA number is issued. Once approval has been obtained on your credit
card, the part(s) will be shipped UPS. You will need to ship defective part(s) back to Chipkin
Automation Systems within 15 days to avoid charges to your credit card. If such charges are
incurred, the shipped part(s) will be billed at the then current price.
Chipkin Automation Systems will pay for shipping to and from the customer only within the
first thirty days following the original product ship date. Following this 30-day period all
shipping fees both for under warranty and post warranty repairs are the sole responsibility of
the customer. The customer also assumes full liability for losses or damages resulting from
shipping as well as all responsibility to pursue remuneration for such issues with their
selected carrier.
For post warranty repair, the procedure is the same as outlined above for RMA and shipping.
However, you are responsible for shipping charges both ways, current labor ($75 per hour if not
under warranty), and the current price of part(s) used in repair.