VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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Relay Configuration
Figure 4.1-11 - Relay configuration
In this part of the form, you can configure up to 10 relays. As mentioned above, if the VeederRoot®
panel contains more then you must use the Advanced Configuration.
The relay’s name.
The relay’s address in the VeederRoot
® panel. Addresses are 2 digits as above.
Other Options
Figure 4.1-12 - Other Options
Finally, there are two other options.
Tank Deliveries
enables all tank delivery data points for the tanks. The gateway polls and
stores the 3 most recent tank deliveries.
System Alarms
enables VeederRoot® panel system alarm and errors data points.
Saving the Configuration
Click on the “Save Configuration” Button once you
have filled out the form.
If successful, you will see the following message: