VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
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Number of Retries after a Timeout
How many times to attempt to retry sending the message.
The default is 3.
Time between Retries
How many seconds to wait between retries. The default is 1 second.
Disconnect Time
How many seconds after a timed-out message to determine if the
VeederRoot® panel is offline. The default is 120 seconds.
Specify either US or Metric.
The Disconnect Time and Default Value logic works as follows: once a message times out, the
disconnect timer starts (by default 120 seconds). If the disconnect timer expires, then the system is
flagged that the VeederRoot® panel has been disconnected and all values in the database are set to
the Default Value.
Tank Configuration
Figure 4.1-8 - Standard Tank Configuration
In this part of the form, you can configure up to 10 tanks. As mentioned above, if the VeederRoot®
panel contains more then you must use the Advanced Configuration.
The tank’s name, this field is only used internally in the gateway.
The tank’s address in the VeederRoot
® panel. If the Tank has address 1-9, you must
type 01
09 as addresses are 2 digits.
This is the name that gets appended to the BACnet data point. This usually is the same
as the Name column entry.
Sensor Configuration