Chassis Plans CCXR-17 Technical Reference
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Page 14
LCD Enhancements
In the CCX family of rugged military grade LCD keyboard drawers, Chassis Plans starts with Grade A Industrial
Quality LCD panels selected for optical performance, high reliability and long product life cycle. In order to not
only ruggedize the LCD, but to also enhance the mechanical, optical and EMI properties of the finished unit
Chassis Plans optically bonds 2 layers of coated 1.1 mm soda-lime float glass to the front of the LCD panel. The
first layer is coated with an Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) coating with a surface resistivity of <13.5 ohms/sq. See
Figure 2 for attenuation values.
Figure 2 – EMI Shielding Effectiveness of ITO Coating
There is a Copper conductive buss bar that wraps around the edge of the glass to facilitate conduction from the
ITO coating to the front surface of the laminated structure to make a complete electrical shield around the face of
the LCD. See Figure 3 for details.
Figure 3 – Optical Stack on LCD
The second layer of glass is coated with an Anti-Reflective (AR) coating which matches the index of refraction of
air to eliminate surface reflections. These layers of coated glass are bonded together with an index matching
optical adhesive to eliminate internal reflections caused by the index of refraction mismatch between the soda
lime glass and air. This eliminates over 95% of unwanted glare from the screen. Please see Figure 4 below for
more details.
MHz 100
MHz 150
MHz 200
MHz 300
MHz 500
MHz 700
MHz 1000
A R C o a tin g
IT O C o a tin g
S o d a L im e F lo a t G la ss
C o p p e r B u ss B a r
L C D F ra m e
O p tica l In d e x
M a tch in g
A d h e s ive
L C D P a n e l
A n d
B a c klig h t