2. Laying of the panels
Take panel # 1 and count off half of the panels. By the Expert 100/120 which has a total of 18 panels, 9 panels
be on the right hand side, and 9 panels on the left hand side. They are held down with a packing weight.
Panel 1 be on the top right, and panel 18 be on the top left.
Before laying out the suspension lines in an S-shape,
ensure once again that all lines are untangled and do not
cross over one another.
Now the apex which is pulled down on the packing loops
must be sorted and held down with a packing weight.
The panels 1-9 now be on the right, the panels 10-18 now
be on the left.
Now the complete bundle of suspension lines together
with the left hand panels must be carried back over to the
middle of the first laid panel.
In order to lay the canopy in S-shapes, the complete bundle
of suspension lines and the left hand panels must be lifted
slightly and laid 2/3 over the right hand panels.