Compatibility test
Every new combination of rescue reserve and harness has to be retested by the manufacturer or
someone schooled and instructed by the manufacturer after the initial packing.
The operation of the rescue reserve must be possible in the flight position and must function per-
fectly according to the guidelines of the construction specifications. It must be ascertained that the
deployment strength does not exceed 7kg.
The inspector has to confirm that a compatibility test has been carried out by entering this in the
packing and inspection document.
Speciality for winch towing
For winch towing pay attention to the conditions of the harness, paraglider and winch release
manufacturers! When using a front container, make certain that a deployment of the rescue reserve
can guaranteed at all times.
Pre-flight check
In addition to the normal pre-flight check (see instruction manual for paraglider, harness, tow re-
lease etc), the correct fastening of the rescue reserve and the deployment handle should also be
controlled before every flight.
If the reserve bridle line is disengaged after every flight (as with front container systems), then the
pre-flight check must also include ensuring that the bridle line is correctly attached!
When transporting the reserve, pay attention that it is not subject to extreme heat (eg. the boot of
a car in summer). Further, the reserve should be transported carefully (clean, no objects lain on
top etc.). When packing the Expert 18 into a paraglider backpack, take care not to damage it with
buckles or other objects, and not to inadvertently release the deployment handle.
Flying on the coast
If the reserve if flown for long periods of time on the coast or in salty air, this can result in a prema-
ture aging of the materials. In such cases the reserve should be checked more often and inspected
for its airworthiness.
Environment- friendly disposal
After the end of the service life, the reserve should be disposed of in an environment-friendly man-
ner. CHARLY Products will gladly dispose of your reserves appropriately if you return them to us.
Behaviour reconcilable with nature & the landscape
And finally a word or two from us, requesting that you practice our fantastic sport with as much
consideration for nature and the landscape as possible !
Please do not walk beyond the marked paths, do not leave litter, do not make unnecessary noise,
and try to respect the sensitive biological balance in the mountains. Consideration for nature is
required not only when launching and landing !