13 DiViS
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5.2. User Admin
User name.
Confirm password:
Confirms password.
Default user:
“Default user” will be assumed by the program to be using the DVR main
whenever it is loaded.
Security level:
Set the type of each user.
Adjust detail authorities for each user.
- Use Windows Key:
enables Window key and Ctrl
Delete on the Keyboard if selected.
Notify Login:
Set duration of login time for a user when the user, (triggered by event
notification) connects to the main by remote-client.
To create a new user, click on an empty row on the user list, assign username and password,
adjust Security Level and Authority, and click “Add” button to finish the registration.
To modify an existing user, select a user from the user list, change desired option(s), and
click “Modify” to apply change(s).
To delete a user, select the user in the list first and then click “Delete”.
All changes will be finally applied only if “Save & Close” or “Apply” button is clicked.
Note: Top Admin User cannot be modified or deleted from this section. Please refer to the
page 52, Appendix 1.DVR Management.