Although the batteries in the sensors can last up to 6 years for low power sensors and 2
years for Hi power sensors, the E12 will detect if a sensor has a battery that has only
limited life left and will start to flash the relevant zone LED once per second and beep
the buzzer twice. The sensor itself will indicate a low battery by flashing its LED when
A Sensor Low battery SMS will also be sent.
Please note LOW Battery and Supervision Failure are very incessant sounds and
should be attended to immediately.
1.3.6. Seismic detector for Panel Tamper:
The E12 also has a built in Seismic detector to detect any tampering with the panel.
This detector can be configured for vibration intensity and duration by means of SMS
The Seismic detector will always be on and will always only send an SMS. The siren will
never be activated.
The Seismic detector can be disabled by sending $XXXXq to the E12.
The Seismic detector can be enabled by sending $XXXXp to the E12.
1.3.7. 24-Hour Test Signal:
The E12 will send a 24 hour test SMS at a specified time each day to indicate that the
system is still in operation. This 24 hour test SMS can be disabled if necessary. The
time of day when the SMS is sent can be specified by the user. This 24 hr test signal is
in the form of a status report.
1.3.8. Signal Strength:
Network signal strength can be requested by sending $XXXXT to the E12. The E12 will
reply with a number out of 31, where 31 is perfect signal strength.
1.3.9. Mains Failed/Restored
The E12 will send a mains failed SMS to all programmed cellular phones every time
mains power is disconnected from the panel. The ‘TRBL’ button will light up as visual
indication of mains failed. The trouble button can be switched off by resetting the panel.
A ‘mains restored’ SMS will be sent only when mains power was restored and stable for
5 minutes.
1.3.10. Restore Failure
Every time a wired sensor is activated, the E12 will check the sensor after a certain time
interval. If the sensor has not returned to its normal state, the E12 will send a restore
failure SMS.
1.3.11. Entry and Exit delay
Zone 1, for group A, and zone 6, for group B, is programmed to have entry and exit
delays. When arming the alarm, these zones will not trigger for 60 seconds (Default),
allowing time to leave the premises.