Frequently Asked Questions
"Manual" and "automatic" mode What is the difference?
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Manual mode for standby preservation, thaw raw material state. Only Press the manual key again or switch to automatic mode, the machine will start making ice cream
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When the automatic mode ice cream all the time in the formed state, you can access at any time
Why is better to use the manual mode when idle?
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Was stirred at ice formed state is repeated, the expansion ratio will decrease with a rough texture and feeling nuggets
Why there is raw material tank, the screen still shows the lack of material?
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In order to prevent cooling tank lack of material, suggesting lack of material when the frit material is less than the remaining cylinder 1L, please feed supplement
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If the bin cylinder has sufficient raw material and material shortage prompts still lit more than five minutes, please consult Shanghai Esse service and re-calibration shut warning
function under the guidance of professionals
Why screen display ice cream is ready, the machine still at work?
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When precooling is turned on, the machine of the pot after cooling in ice cream production is complete, the temperature until the raw material tank was reduced to 4 degrees, the
machine will continue to run for some time
Why raw material tank there, but put no ice cream?
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If now in the manual mode and the machine is not in operation, it is necessary to manually press the button again and wait for re-cooling
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If this time is in the cooling mode and in automatic, it has been frozen cylinder,
Press cleaned immediately
In order to close the refrigeration and let stir continuous operation,
If this time is in the cooling mode and in automatic, it has been frozen cylinder,
Press cleaned immediately
In order to close the refrigeration and let stir continuous operation,
If this time is in the cooling mode and in automatic, it has been frozen cylinder,
Press cleaned immediately
In order to close the refrigeration and let stir continuous operation,
If this time is in the cooling mode and in automatic, it has been frozen cylinder,
Press cleaned immediately
In order to close the refrigeration and let stir continuous operation,
pull up puffing tube
Let raw material flowing into the cooling tank, the last appropriate
Reduce the air pump run time
Setting, when the ice cream can be released
Expanded tube inserted
pull up puffing tube
Let raw material flowing into the cooling tank, the last appropriate
Reduce the air pump run time
Setting, when the ice cream can be released
Expanded tube inserted
pull up puffing tube
Let raw material flowing into the cooling tank, the last appropriate
Reduce the air pump run time
Setting, when the ice cream can be released
Expanded tube inserted
pull up puffing tube
Let raw material flowing into the cooling tank, the last appropriate
Reduce the air pump run time
Setting, when the ice cream can be released
Expanded tube inserted
pull up puffing tube
Let raw material flowing into the cooling tank, the last appropriate
Reduce the air pump run time
Setting, when the ice cream can be released
Expanded tube inserted
, To resume production
, To resume production
Why Raw Materials / Water will flow out in front of the hole panel?
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When the intermediate shaft red tapered ring is not properly installed or missing equipment, raw material from the circular machine front panel outflow. In case this case, the material
discharged as soon as possible and to clean the machine, press on the orientation and position represented in FIG. 4 reinstalled properly seal