Limits of machine
Product information
CEDIMA • Technical Documentation • CF • 4030 Joint Cutter • 194030001 – xx4030xx • Issue Date 17.03.2022
The intended use also includes compliance with all information of these original operating
instructions, as well as compliance with safety-relevant parameters and not exceeding the
limits of the machine.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage caused by the improper use of the machine.
The user or operator bears the sole risk for this. The warranty shall become void if the
product is used contrary to its intended purpose.
Design limits
In addition to the parameters mentioned in the following table, the specifications in the
technical data of this machine belong to the design limits. Additional information about the
technical specifications can be found in the chapter “Technical Specifications” (Page 12).
Design limits
Type of design limit
Cutting tool
Diamond saw blades approved by the manufacturer
Cutting material
Cured concrete with or without reinforcement,
green concrete with or without reinforcement
Reasonably foreseeable misuse
The following actions are among the reasonably foreseeable misuses recognised by the
Dismantling or bypassing safety equipment.
Failure to use the prescribed personal protective equipment.
Operation outside the design limits.
Not all possible misuses can be considered. Based on experience with the machine and
human behaviour, the reasonably foreseeable misuse is stated to the best of our knowledge
and belief.
Operating modes
The machine is designed for the following types of operation:
Hand-guided automatic operation
Human-machine interfaces
The machine ready for operation is operated at the following human-machine interface:
Operating console
There are various human-machine interfaces for setting up, maintaining, servicing and clean-
ing the machine (see Original operating manual > Chapter „Overview of the machine“)
Machine components – Left side
Machine components – Rear side
Machine components – Top of machine
Machine components – Front side
Front visor
Machine components – Right side
Blade guard