CD3 Products Manual
CD3, General Benefit Corporation |
| 612.467.9441
Pending | Made in USA | © 2019
it uses a solar charger instead of a 120V supply charger to feed the battery pack. The
limitations of the unit are the power supply that it uses. This amounts to a lower amount
of consecutive run time than the Station or Wayside unit. Recharge time is also variant
depending on the location specifics. The main benefit of the solar function is that this
unit requires no on-site power supply.
1.1.4 Outpost
The Outpost unit differs the most from it sibling models than the other units. It is a much
simplified version that uses only three hand tools and lights. Like the Wayside units, it is
powered by a battery pack. The pack is appropriately sized to accommodate its much
less power demand than the Wayside units. The only powered features in the unit are
the lights and internal logic system. It also uses solar panels to supply power, so no on-
site power supply is required. The outpost is only limited in consecutive uses of the light
1.1.5 Trailer Option (Wayside 120V and Wayside Solar Only)
The ability to mount the unit to a trailer is possible with the Wayside 120V and Wayside
Solar units. The trailer provides a way to move the unit from site to site and also has a
built-in apparatus that allows the trailer base to be lowered to rest on the ground for
ease of access to the unit. The trailered option places the unit on a road-capable, heavy
duty trailer base that uses a hand crank system to lower to the ground. There are
leveling legs for ground that is not perfectly flat. The trailer is equipped with full lighting
for the road. It also has a deck space at the rear of the trailer for transport of other
larger items with the unit.