CD3 Products Manual
CD3, General Benefit Corporation |
| 612.467.9441
Pending | Made in USA | © 2019
WARNING! Do NOT use this vacuum to vacuum lead paint debris because this may
disperse fine lead particles into the air. This vacuum is not intended for use under
EPA Regulation 40 CFR Part 745 for lead paint material cleanup.
3.3.3 Vacuum Button Operation
The orange light in the lighted vacuum actuation button
indicates that it is ready to operate. The vacuum will turn on
instantly with the push of the actuation button. The button
will then begin to flash while the vacuum is in operation. The
operation window/timer is for two minutes, at which point
the vacuum will turn off. During the two minute operation
window the button will flash at a rate of about one second
on, one second off for the first one minute and 30 seconds.
The button can be pushed again at any time during this part
of the operation window to turn it off. The last 30 seconds of
the time window the button light will flash at a rate of about
one half second on, one have second off. During this final 30 seconds, pushing the
button again will continue the operation of the vacuum and reset the operation for
another two minute time window. The operation can also be canceled by the “all off”
red button at any point during operation.
The light on the button may flash at a rate of 2 flashes per second and pushing the
button will not activate the vacuum. This sequence indicates that the tank is full and
will need to be emptied (see sec. 4.1.1). The vacuum will not operate until the
collection tank has been emptied. If the button light is flashing in a manner other than
described in this section, it is a signal of a system fault. Contact a qualified CD3 service
3.3.4 Vacuum Hose
The vacuum hose is a 25’ long, 2” (1.5” for Wayside) flexible vacuum hose. The hose
should be coiled on the provided hanger when not in use. This will prevent possible
damage from occurring such as a vehicle driving over it. Any hose that is broken,
constricted, plugged or damage in any way should be replaced as soon as possible. A
damaged hose will reduce the suction of the vacuum and potentially cause damage to
the vacuum motor. Do not pull excessively on the hose at the body attachment point as
it may incur damage to the internal plumbing of the unit.