(1) The camera heats up during operation. Please follow these guidelines to ensure proper cooling:
a. Heat dissipation measures are needed if the camera temperature (displayed in CAVITAR
Capture software) exceeds 55 ºC. A warning message is displayed in CAVITAR Capture if
the camera temperature reaches 57 ºC. The maximum camera temperature is 65 ºC and
CAVITAR Capture stops image acquisition if this temperature is reached. If the camera
temperature reaches 75 ºC
, an emergency shutdown will be initiated. Warranty doesn’t
cover overheating problems caused by inadequate cooling of the camera
b. The camera must be mounted/clamped in such a way that heat can be removed from the
camera housing as efficiently as possible. In many cases it is possible to use a metallic
(e.g. aluminium) mounting plate/arm with a good thermal contact to a larger heat sink
such as metallic body of machinery
c. For optimal heat transfer, the mounting/clamping should cover as large portion of the
camera side(s) as possible (good thermal contact to both camera sides is the most
efficient cooling configuration)
d. It is strongly recommended to apply a thin thermally conductive sheet between the
camera side(s) and the mounting as well as between mounting and larger heat sink to
maximize heat transfer
If the mounting doesn’t enable efficient heat transfer from the camera to a larger heat sink
and if
the ambient temperature doesn’t exceed ~35 ºC, separate heat sinks mounted to
camera sides can be applied (Cavitar offers dedicated heat sinks as optional items)
Air or liquid cooling is needed in high ambient temperature environments
i. Never cool the camera to temperatures below dew point in order to prevent
(warranty doesn’t cover problems caused by condensation). 20 ºC
is usually a safe temperature for the coolant to enter the camera
ii. Ensure continuous and sufficient flow of the coolant (a clear warning is needed if
the flow is reduced/stopped in order to avoid damage to the camera)
iii. Carefully insulate the camera and the cables from the environment e.g. with
appropriate thermally insulating protective sleeves. Also place the cooling hoses
inside the same protective sleeve as this will keep the other cables cooler and
also reduce the required cooling power
iv. Vortex pipes enable efficient air cooling. However, with vortex pipes special care
must be taken not to cool the camera to temperatures below dew point
(2) The camera contains integrated cooling channels for liquid cooling. Please follow these guidelines
to ensure appropriate liquid cooling:
a. Cooling channels inside the camera are made of aluminium. Only use cooling liquids and
cooling equipment that are compatible with aluminium
b. A mixture of pure water and inhibited glycol is recommended to avoid corrosion and algae
i. Pure water can be distilled, demineralised, de-ionised or reverse osmosis water
1. Never use pure water without inhibited glycol since this causes corrosion
ii. Glycol must be inhibited (to avoid corrosion) and the glycol content in the mixture
must be at least 20 volume % (to prevent algae growth)
1. Ethylene glycol has better cooling performance than propylene-based
glycol but is more toxic
2. Modern industrial glycols contain inhibitors alongside a pH buffer and
biocide to prevent corrosion, algae growth and rust
3. Never mix different glycols
c. The cooling system must be properly flushed and cleaned before adding suitable inhibited
glycol and pure water mixture as well as when the mixture needs to be changed
d. Prevent any contamination of the cooling liquid and cooling circuitry
e. Regular maintenance intervals are needed to ensure proper operation (e.g. checking the
condition of filters and cooling liquid)
Never use automotive antifreeze liquids