User Manual
Version B
Figure 10: Open-Collector Connections
Analog Input Wiring
The analog input board has terminals for up to eight channels to be connected. Each board is equipped with a
quick disconnect plug that allows for easy connection of sensor wires.
Unipolar Voltage
0 – 1 V
0 – 20 mA
0 – 5 V
4 – 20 mA
1 – 5 V
0 – 10 V
The current inputs (0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA) require a supply of power to operate. You may power these inputs
using the 24 VDC supply that is on the top of the analog card or you may connect to an external power supply.
The 24 VDC supply can source up to 300 mA on each analog input card; however, the total available in an entire
system is only 500 mA.
Each channel of the analog input cards can accept either current or voltage inputs, which are configurable
through the programming. There are no switches or jumpers to set.
The (-) return on each Analog Input channel is connected to ground. If you are going to daisy-chain a
current loop, then the EliteIQ connection must be the last in the loop.
Each input channel is independent of any other input channel. A fault on one channel does not affect the
conversion result on the other channels.