Installation of remote control receiver unit for ceiling fans with downrod
1. Please install the receiver unit as shown in diagrams 1 and 2 within the canopy bracket.
The IR receiving eye must be placed besides (outside) the canopy. Sharp edges of the ca-
nopy whichcould damage the connection wire of the IR receiving eye most be smoothend
(i.e. with a file)!
2. Please install the electrical wiring according to the diagram on p. 12. Make certain that
no lines are pinched or damaged!
If the switched line to the motor and the switched line to the lights are connected inside
the ceiling fan these must be separated PRIOR to installing the remote control.
3. Please fasten the canopy of the ceiling fan on the ceiling bracket.
Please make sure that the pull switch of your ceiling fan is set to the highest speed. Once the mains
voltage is switched on again, the ceiling fan is available to operation with the remote control.
diagram 2
diagram 1
Please install the receiver unit of the remote as shown in diagram 3. Once the device is electrically in-
stalled, you may stick the receiver unit to the ceiling with the double-sided sticky points. If this fails,
e.g. when the ceiling decoration is too rough, you may want to attach the receiver unit to the ceiling
plate by means of cable ties. The IR-receiving eye must be placed besides (outside) the fan housing.
Sharp edges of the cano-
py which could damage
the connection wire of
the IR receiving eye
must be smoothend (i.e.
with a file)! Please make
sure that the pull switch
of your ceiling fan is set
to the highest speed.
Installation of the remote control of CasaFan fans in an extremely flat construction, e.g.
Fan Housing
FB_IR_Advanced_bedienungsanleitung_D-GB+I+FR_v62.indd 13
17.01.2015 19:26:17