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CFW-2132 – User Guide
UG01228 v1.0 April 27, 2020
© Casa Systems 2020
NTP settings
To configure NTP settings:
Click the
Network time (NTP)
toggle key to switch it to the
In the
NTP service
field, enter the address of the NTP server you wish to use.
Synchronization on WWAN connection
toggle key enables or disables the antenna from
performing a synchronization of the time each time a mobile broadband connection is established.
Daily synchronisation
toggle key enables or disables the antenna from performing a
synchronization of the time each day.
When you have finished configuring NTP settings, click the
button to save the settings.
Remote management
The TR-069 (Technical Report 069) protocol is a technical specification also known as CPE WAN Management
Protocol (CWMP). It is a framework for remote management and auto-configuration of end-user devices
such as customer-premises equipment (CPE) and Auto Configuration Servers (ACS). It is particularly efficient
in applying configuration updates across networks to multiple CPEs.
TR-069 uses a bi-directional SOAP/HTTP-based protocol based on the application layer protocol and
provides several benefits for the maintenance of a field of CPEs:
Simplifies the initial configuration of a device during installation
Enables easy restoration of service after a factory reset or replacement of a faulty device
Firmware and software version management
Diagnostics and monitoring
Note –
You must have your own compatible ACS infrastructure to use TR-069. To access and configure the TR-069 settings, you must be
logged into the antenna with the root account.
When a factory reset of the antenna is performed via TR-069, the TR-069 settings are preserved.
The NetComm Wireless antenna sends “inform” messages periodically to alert the ACS server that it is ready.
These inform messages can also be configured to accept a connection request from the ACS server. When a
connection is established, any tasks queued on the ACS server are executed. These tasks may be value
retrieval or changes and firmware upgrades.