Line Thermal Printer DEP-50
User’s Manual
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) + “k”;
LPRINT CHR$ (9) + CHR$ (0);
LPRINT “ABCDEF 0123456789 abcdef”;
[Print Results]
GS v0
Printing of raster bit image
[1Dh] + [76h] + [30h] + m + xL + xH + yL + yH + D
+ … + D
{0 <= m <= 3; 48 <= m <= 51}
{0 <= xL <= 255}
{0 <= xH <= 255}
{0 <= yL <= 255}
{0 <= yH <= 255}
{0 <= D
<= 255}
The value of xH is ignored.
Although yH could be from 0 to 255 the high four bits are ignored,
so yH could actually be from 0 to 15.
xL is the number of bytes in horizontal direction (xL*8 dots).
The number of dots in horizontal direction is equal to yL+yH*256.
The number of data bytes k=xL * (yL+yH*256). However k ust not be
equal to 0 or the bit image will be discarded.
m defines the printing mode of the bit image according to the
following table:
Dot density in
Dot density in
vertical direction
horizontal direction
203 DPI
203 DPI
Double width
203 DPI
101 DPI
Double hight
101 DPI
203 DPI
101 DPI
101 DPI
The bit image is defined line by line from left to right. The most significant
bit of each byte is the leftmost dot and the least significant bit is
rightmost dot.
The data that exceeds the printing width of the line is discarded.
The raster bit image could be positioned using the commands ESC \,
ESC $ and GS L.
The raster bit image could be justified using the ESC a command.
If this command is executed during a macro definition, the macro
definition is finished and the command is executed.
GS *
Defining the Download Bit Image
There are two variants of this command depending of the position of switch 5.
If switch 5 is OFF:
[1Dh] + [2Ah] + n1 + n2 + D
+ … + D
{0 <= n1 <= 255}
{0 <= n2 <= 68}
{0 <= D
<= 255}
n1 denotes the horizontal size of the bit image
n2 denotes the vertical size of the bit image
There are
bytes of data in order from top to bottom and
from left to right, n1 bytes in each vertical column of dots.
This command defines a bit image with number of dots determined
by n1 and n2. There are n1*8 dots in horizontal direction and n2*8
number of dots in vertical direction.
If n1 is 0 the downloaded bit image is cleared.
The command GS / is used to print downloaded bit image.
If switch 5 is ON:
[1Dh] + [2Ah] + n1 + n2 { + n21 + n22 } + D
+ … + D
{0 <= n1 <= 7Fh}
{0 <= n2 <= F8h}
{0 <= D
<= FFh}
{1 <= n21+256*n22 <= 544}
If n2 is 0 two more bytes are read. These two bytes then determine
the vertical size of the bit image. The vertical size then is
N= n21+256*n22 rows.