Please refer to the certified dimensional drawings, supplied with
the unit.
5.1 - Power supply
The power supply must conform to the specification on the heat
pump nameplate. The supply voltage must be within the range
specified in the electrical data table. For connections, refer to
the wiring diagrams and certified dimensional drawings.
WARNING: Operation of the heat pump with an incorrect
supply voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes misuse
which will invalidate the Carrier warranty. If the phase
imbalance exceeds 2% for voltage, or 10% for current, contact
your local electricity supplier at once and ensure that the heat
pump is not switched on until corrective measures have been
After the unit has been installed, the power supply must only
be disconnected for quick maintenance operations (one day
maximum). For longer maintenance operations or when the unit
is taken out of service, the power supply of the unit must be
maintained permanently (the crankcase heaters must be
energised). Otherwise, the suction shut-off valves on each circuit
must be closed.
5.2 - Voltage phase imbalance (%)
100 x max. deviation from average voltage
Average voltage
On a 400 V - 3 ph - 50 Hz supply, the individual phase voltages
were measured with the following values:
AB = 406 V; BC = 399 V; AC = 394 V
Average voltage = (406 + 399 + 394)/3 = 1199/3
= 399.7 (rounded up to 400 V)
Calculate the maximum deviation from the 400 V average:
(AB) = 406 - 400 = 6
(BC) = 400 - 399 = 1
(CA) = 400 - 394 = 6
The maximum deviation from the average is 6 V.
The greatest percentage deviation is:
100 x 6/400 = 1.5 %
This is less than the permissible 2% and therefore acceptable.
5.3 - Power connection/disconnect switch
The power supply for the unit is connected at a single point
upstream of the unit’s disconnect switch.
Electrical data notes for 30RQM/30RQP units:
30RQM/30RQP units have a single power connection point located immediately upstream
of the main switch.
Control box includes:
A main disconnect switch,
Start-up and motor protection devices for each compressor, plus fans and pumps,
Control devices.
Field connections:
All connections to the system and the electrical installations must be in accordance with
all applicable codes.
The Carrier 30RQM/30RQP units are designed and built to ensure conformance with
these codes. The recommendations of European standard EN 60204-1 (corresponds to
IEC 60204-1) (Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment of Machines - part 1: General
requirements) are specifically taken into account when designing the electrical equipment.
Generally the recommendations of IEC 60364 are accepted as compliance with the
requirements of the installation regulation.
Conformance with EN 60204-1 is the best means of ensuring compliance (§1.5.1) with
the Machinery Directive.
Appendix B of standard EN 60204-1 specifies the electrical features used for the operation
of the machines.
The operating conditions for 30RQM/30RQP units are described below:
1. Physical environment*
The classification of environment is specified in standard EN 60364:
Outdoor installation*,
Ambient temperature range: Minimum temperature -20 °C up to +48 °C**, Altitude:
AC1 Lower than or equal to 2000 m (for hydraulic module, see paragraph 4.7 in
the IOM),
Presence of hard solid: Class AE3 (no significant dust present)*,
Presence of corrosive and polluting substances, class AF1 (negligible),
Competence of persons: BA4 (Persons wise).
2. Compatibility for low-frequency conducted disturbances according to class 2 levels
per IEC61000-2-4 standard:
Power supply frequency variation : +-2Hz
Phase imbalance : 2%
Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion (THDV) : 8%
3. The neutral wire (N) must not be connected directly to the unit (if necessary use a
4. Overcurrent protection of the power supply conductors is not provided with the unit.
5. The factory-fitted disconnect switch(es) and circuit breaker(s) are of a type suitable for
power interruption in accordance with EN 60947-3 (corresponds to IEC 60947-3).
6. The units are designed for connection to TN networks (IEC 60364). In IT networks
the use of noise filters integrated into the variable frequency drive(s) make machine
use unsuitable. In addition, the short-circuit holding current characteristics have been
modified. Provide a local earth, consult competent local organisations to complete the
electrical installation.
30RQM/30RQP machines are designed to use for domestic / residential and industrial
Machines that are not equipped with Variable speed drives comply with the standard
- 61000-6-3: General standards - Standard emission for residential, commercial and
light industry.
- 61000-6-2: General standards - Immunity for industrial environments.
Machines that are equipped with variable frequency drive(s) (RQP, options: 28,
116V, 116W) are in accordance with standard EN61800 - 3 electric power variable
speed drives - part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods for the following
- Use in the first and second environments***.
- Category C2 applicable in the first environment, to stationary devices designed to
be installed and commissioned by a professional.
Warning: In a residential environment, this product may cause radio interference in
which case additional mitigation measures could be required.
• Leakage currents: If protection by monitoring the leakage currents is necessary to
ensure the safety of the installation, the presence of additional leakage currents
introduced by the use of variable frequency drive(s) in the unit must be considered.
In particular these protection devices shall be of reinforced immunity types and have a
threshold not lower than 150 mA.
• Capacitors that are integrated as part of the option 231 can generate electrical disturbances
in the installation the unit is connected to. Presence of these capacitors must be considered
during the electrical study prior to the start-up.
Note: If particular aspects of an actual installation do not conform to the conditions
described above, or if there are other conditions which should be considered, always
contact your local Carrier representative.
* The required protection level for this class is IP43BW (according to reference document
IEC 60529). All 30RQM/30RQP units are IP44CW and fulfil this protection condition.
** The maximun ambiant temperature allowed for mahines equipped with option 231 is
** - Example of installations of the first environment: Commercial and residential buildings.
- Example of installations of the second environment: Industrial zones, technical premises
powered from a dedicated transformer.