P a g e |
new values must be accounted for and entered into the navigation software.
The mounting plate allows the Merlin LT to be easily rotated horizontally by 22.5° or 45° clockwise (cw) or
anticlockwise (acw): see Figure 13. This offers more flexibility in the way the Merlin LT can be positioned to view
different targeted objects.
The mounting plate also provides a base which can be permanently installed on a vessel, making the process of
mobilising and demobilising the Merlin LT itself much simpler.
Use M5 countersunk bolts to secure the mounting plate to the vessel. Position the mounting plate so that the main
reference lines are parallel and perpendicular to the vessel’s centre line.
4.4.1 Measuring the physical XYZ lever arm to the mounting plate
With the mounting plate secured in place on the vessel, the physical measurement of the XYZ lever arm should be
carried out before the Merlin LT is fitted in position.
Navigation software packages require an XYZ measurement from the vessel’s IMU/CoG to the Merlin LT laser origin
point. Since the laser origin point cannot be accessed for direct measurement, establishing this lever arm is carried
out in two stages: a physical measurement to the visible measurement datum point in the centre of the mounting
plate, followed by an adjustment taken from Table 2 and Table 3 which accounts for the offset from the measurement
datum point to the laser origin point.
The measurement datum point is shown in Figure 13. This point must be physically measured as an XYZ offset
from the IMU/CoG.
Figure 19 shows a worked example of calculating the XY lever arm and indication of sign convention
(positive/negative) when the Merlin LT system is mounted in two different positions. Other positions are acceptable.