MN60200FR1 070319
© Copyright 2019 — Carlin Combustion Technology, Inc.
T E C H S U P P O R T H O T L I N E 8 0 0 - 9 8 9 - 2 2 7 5
Carlin Combustion Technology, Inc.
126 Bailey Road North Haven, CT 06473 Phone 203–680–9401 Fax 203–764–1714
e-mail us at:
This is not a freeze protection device. Suitable freeze protection monitoring or other precautions are recommended to protect against
ruptured pipes/water damage caused by fuel outage, safety related fault conditions or equipment failure.
Service and Troubleshooting
Last Fault Display: When the control is reset from a lockout
condition, if the burner resumes normal operation, the screen
will toggle the last fault and its cause for five days (longer du-
ration if control is not wired for constant power). This feature
is designed to allow the service technician to easily see what
caused the condition in the event the homeowner reset the
control prior to their arrival. The screen will alternate between
displaying what the last fault was and displaying how to clear
the message
hold ESC for 3 seconds.
Display Voltage and Current: Press + for 3 seconds to
display real time voltage and current.
Lockout: If lockout occurs, the screen turns on, the fault icon
flashes and a fault message is displayed on the screen.
Reset Push in and hold the red Reset button for 1 second,
then release.
NOTE: Recycling power to the control will not
reset it from it from a lockout condition.
Two fault conditions result in an immediate lockout. These
include; Flame detected during pre-purge and flame failure
during Trial for Ignition. All other faults will result in a Recycle
(unless the Allowed Recycles is set to ‘None’ in the Set-up
Menu). A
Recycle results in the burner shutting down for 60
seconds then resuming operation in Standby (if there is no
Call for Heat) or initiating the Operating Sequence above (if
there is a Call for Heat).
Latch-up: If the control locks out 3 times during a single Call
for Heat, Latch-Up will be displayed on screen.
To Reset the control after latch-up, press and hold the red
Reset button for 30 seconds.
WARNING: Only a qualified
service technician should attempt to reset the control
after latch-up. The problem that caused the repeat lock-
outs must be corrected before returning the burner to
normal operation. NOTE: Recycling power to the control will
not reset it from it from a latch-up condition.
Burner will not fire
• Check line voltage to the control (at least 102 vac).
• Check all electrical connections.
Other no start problems:
• Valve lead voltage on too early. Correct bad connection.
• Motor relay welded. If valve has no voltage, and line voltage
is okay (102 - 132 VAC), the issue is a welded motor relay.
Replace the control.
• Motor current less than 0.2 Amps.
Blocked vent – not recycling:
• Recycle only works on non-manual reset vent switch
Repeated flame failures
Check for:
• Excessive airflow or draft causing flame to leave burner
head- check for proper air band setting and draft.
• Excessive back pressure causing flame to be erratic –
check appliance and flue for sooting/plugging.
• “Flame rod shorted” message in lockout – defective flame
rod assembly.
Control locks out at end of TFI
• No fuel to burner – check fuel supply lines.
• Shorted electrodes – inspect for cracked porcelain and
replace as needed.
• Airflow too high – check air band setting.
• Ignitor module defective – replace if no spark.
• Check wiring connections.
• Flame rod shorted to ground or defective.
Amps = 7 uA
Line = 115 VAC
Last Fault
No Flame Chk Ign
To Clear Message
Hold 3 Sec