User Manual: um_xr600_cardiolinespa_09_eng1
Cardioline S.p.A.
Via Linz,19-20-21
38121 Spini di Gardolo (TN) [email protected]
Sede commerciale: Via F.lli Bronzetti, 8
20129 Milano (MI) Italia
tel.+39 02 94750470 fax +39 02 94750471
It’s possible to choose / modify / create different tests.
In order to get the most reliable data, strictly follow these suggestions:
Make the test approximately at the same time of the day;
Sleep sufficiently during the night;
Eat the last meal at least 3 hours before the test;
Wear comfortable clothes;
Avoid smoking, drinking coffee or alcoholic drinks, taking medicines that may affect the result of the test;
Relax before starting the test;
We suggest women doing test far from menstrual period.
All tests should be done only with the assistance of a cardiologist in possession of emergency equipments (defibrillator,
first aid kit with Kit AMBU). These are theoretical tests therefore, we decline all responsibility for the result and the
interpretation of the values if not made by a specialist. It is also important to underline that the test results are obtained
in sub maximal indirect way, therefore it is suggested con take into consideration the comparison of the test results of
the same subject in different periods in order to estimate any possible improvement.
CHR test (Constant Heart Rate) is 5 minutes test where the heart rate is kept constant during the space of the work
protocol. Therefore the user will be submitted to a certain effort (fixed on the basis of his weight and age) that will
remain constant for the duration of the test. The aim is to monitor heart rate value finding a curve that increases in the
first work phases, becomes stable for a time limit and slowly increases by training. Longer the heart rate remains
constant, better is the condition of the user. If after 2-3 months the user increases the effort with the same HB it means
that the user has improved his shape.
CWL test (Constant Work Level) is 5 minutes test where the speed is kept constant during the space of the work
protocol. Therefore the user will be submitted to a certain effort (fixed on the basis of his weight and age) that will
remain constant for the duration of the test. The aim is to monitor heart rate value finding a curve that increases in the
first work phases, becomes stable for a time limit and slowly increases by training. Longer the heart rate remains
constant, better is the condition of the user. If after 2-3 months the heart rate is being decreased reaching the same
speed, it means that the user has improved his shape level.
RUNNER test is an increasing loads test that foresee a series of steps where the speed is increased. At start the machine
sets up a low speed for one minute warm up. The speed is automatically increased of 1 km/h every 60 seconds. The
detector should test the heart range of the user at every step. Once the increasing phase is over (12 steps) the machine
will automatically bring for 5 minutes the speed as the first 60” for untiring. The test will finish after 18 minutes or when
the user is no more able to increase the speed proposed by the machine (pressing STOP key). The only thing to do now
is to make a diagram as the one hereafter reproduced where to insert the value of the H.R. and time. With the graph it
shall be possible to test the changing of H.R. compared with the speed, if under the same speed the H.R. decreases, it
means that the subject has improved his state of health from the point of view of the cardio-circulatory aspect. It will
be up to the trainer to interpret and explain the results of the Runner test.
Summary of Contents for XR600
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