Key Installation Requirements
We recommend that this stove is fitted in a tiled or stone frame, or a suite. It is possible to install the stove directly in the wall using high temperature render
and plaster, however even this can show hairline cracks due to the high temperatures that can be generated above the stove.
There should be no gaps behind or to the side of the stove in order to prevent chimney debris collecting.
If there is a gap behind the stove it should be filled with vermiculite granules topped with mortar. The fire should have an absolutely airtight seal against the
fireplace. When fitting this stove with a trim, a gap will be required between the flange and back panel to allow the trim to be attached, please see the
relevant trim instructions for further guidance.
A non-‐combustible base should be created for the stove to sit upon.
The appliance should be installed on floors with an adequate load-‐bearing capacity. If an existing construction does not meet this pre-‐requisite, suitable
measures (e.g. load distributing plate) should be taken to achieve it.
Regarding installations in rooms with extractor fans:
For solid fuel appliances: avoid installing extract ventilation in the same room. If mechanical extraction is unavoidable then seek specialist advice to ensure the installation
is tested for the safe operation of the appliance.
A suitable test would be to check for spillage when appliances are subjected to the greatest possible depressurisation. A prerequisite for this condition is that all external
doors, windows and other adjustable ventilators to outside are closed. The depressurisation at the appliance will depend on the particular combination of fans in
operation (fans in the room containing the appliance and fans elsewhere in the building) and the pattern of open internal doors, hatches etc. which is established at the
time of the test (when fans should be on their maximum useable setting), and the specific combination causing the greatest depressurisation at the appliance depends
upon the circumstances in each case. Several tests (which should include a test with the door leading into the room of installation closed and all fans in that room
switched on) may therefore be necessary to demonstrate the safe operation of the appliance with reasonable certainty. The effect of ceiling fans should be checked
during the tests. Extra ventilation should be supplied if tests show that this is necessary.
Fixing Stove in Place
A clearance of at least 600mm in width is required to fit the stove; it is designed
to fit under most lintels.
The flue collar is secured in place by two M6 nuts that can be accessed from the
inside of the stove. The collar should be removed before the stove is positioned
and then re-‐attached (for details of how to remove stove internals to access flue
collar see the “Maintenance” section on previous page).
It is the responsibility of the installer to confirm if a flue liner is required, see the
“Your Chimney” section on previous page for more details.
Some suggested methods of installation are detailed below:
Our stove designs are registered at the UK patent office and protected by Copyright © and UK Design Right. Certain parts are UK Patent Applied For. This document issued 06/01/2015. We are always striving to improve these
products and may change their specification without notice.
In specifically designed suites:
With specifically designed tile sets:
Key Points for
this installation:
The slips must be
A choice of trims,
either bevelled or
square profiled,
can be used.
Key Points for this installation:
The wall must be structurally
All surrounding plasterwork must
be sound.
It is recommended that the wall
above the stove is rendered and
plastered using products with a
high temperature resistance.
Even if this precaution is taken it
should be noted that over firing
the stove can still result in
hairline cracks appearing due to
the excessive temperatures
High temperature adhesive
should be
used and applied to
the whole tile, ask your retailer
for a suitable product.
Key points for this installation:
The wall must be structurally sound.
All surrounding plasterwork must be
A specifically designed bracket is
included with the frame and must be
chased into the wall to a depth of 10mm
such that the bottom of the slip is
160mm below the bottom of the stove
(excluding the trim). It is the
responsibility of the fitter to ensure that
adequate fixings are used such that the
bracket is securely fixed to the wall and
can take the weight of the whole frame.
Suitable high temperature adhesive
must be used and must be applied to the
whole rear surface of each slip of the
With specifically designed frames:
450 & 600 Inset: flue collar instrucons
The flue collar has a double hook / handle in
the flat posion as part of the base disc. They
can be bent down and used as handles during
the installaon.
The ring has three bolts posioned in such a
way that when ghtened they will lock the flue
pipe in place.
So fibreglass rope can be used to fill the gap
between collar and flue.
Once the stove is in the fireplace the installer
can reach up through the opening in the roof of
the stove and use the hook / handle to pull the
collar down into posion and bolt it in place.
Aer securing the collar the hooks / handles
can be broken off from the base disc by
working them le and right unl they snap off.
If you are using the ‘fireplace seal’ method
and not connecng a flue just snap off the
hooks / handles and aach the collar to the
stove prior to sealing it in place.