Important Points
This stove is a wood burner, only use wood and specifically wood recommended by the manufacturer (see “Operation” section for details of recommended wood).
This stove is not an incinerator and should not be used to burn anything other than the manufacturers recommended fuel. Liquid fuels should never be used in any of
our stoves.
This stove becomes extremely hot and can produce poisonous gases. A fire guard should be used if children or the infirm are present. The installer is required to
exactly follow these instructions and to completely comply with all relevant local, national and international standards.
This stove does not contain asbestos but care should be taken to avoid disturbing asbestos when installing in older settings.
Avoid placing any items (e.g.: paintings, photographs, ornaments) on the wall or near to the stove as the heat emitted can cause damage over time.
This stove is rated at <c5kW when burning fuel of 1kg or under and as such does not require an external air vent. Be aware that over fuelling the stove can result in an
output of >c5kW so please follow the manufacturer’s advice regarding levels of fuel. If it is likely that the user will over fire the stove we recommend that a
permanently open vent is fitted directly to outside air, as per building regulation requirements, with a recommended opening of no less than 36cm².
Do not place an extractor fan or cooker hood in the same room as your stove, these devices can remove air that the stove requires to function correctly.
Fit a Carbon Monoxide alarm near to the stove
Your Chimney
Once warm, your chimney makes the gas inside it rise, pulling fresh air into the stove to make it work. Your chimney must:
Generate a draught in use of at least 12 Pa (0.05ins wg) and not in excess of 25 Pa.
Be capable of withstanding the temperatures generated.
Be absolutely incapable of leaking fumes into the dwelling – this will commonly be achieved by it:
Being at least 5m high.
Terminating at least 1m above any roof ridge.
Having an internal cross-‐section not less than 0.018m² (e.g.: 150mm dia) and never more than 0.14m² (e.g.: 375 x 375mm).
Being free from even the slightest crack or source of leakage.
Having no bends sharper than 45°.
Being entirely free of obstructions and swept by a qualified chimney sweep.
Being connected to only this stove.
Being of thick masonry or otherwise adequately insulated.
Conforming to local building regulations.
Special rules apply where the flue passes through timber, thatch or other vulnerable materials – take specialist advice.
The specialist heat resistant paint used on your stove will cure the first time the stove is fired up; this process takes around 45 minutes. During the curing process the
paint may emit vapour and produce an odour, keep the room well ventilated to avoid any build up of fumes. Do not touch the surface of the stove during the first fire
Burn only seasoned timber with a moisture content of less than 20%. A recommended source is Certainly Wood Kiln Dried Logs. Burning damp wood can lead to a
reduction in efficiency, excessive fumes and a build up of tar and dirt inside the stove that will be particularly evident in the window. A moisture meter is available
from your retailer.
Your stove will become very hot during operation, use a glove or the tool provided to open the door and adjust the top air vent control. Always open the door slowly
to reduce fume emission and prevent hot fuel falling out. The door should remain closed once the fire is established and only opened to refuel and remove residue, in
order to prevent fume spillage.
The top vent on your stove can be slid from left to right to control the amount of air that is drawn in; when the valve is slid fully to the right it is open and fully to the
left is closed.
To light the fire use a firelighter and kindling, leave the door slightly open whilst fire establishes and then add larger logs (see diagram below for optimum
recommended size log). Close the door and keep the top air vent fully open. Once fire is fully established close down the air vent to control the burn rate, for
optimum performance it is recommended to keep the top vent at least half open.
Kiln dried beech logs of around 1.2kg are
recommended for optimum performance.