It displays the printer's network settings, etc.
[TCP/IP Settings]
It displays the TCP/IP settings.
How to change settings
"Configuring the Protocol Settings"
[NetWare Settings] (LBP6680x only)
It displays the NetWare settings.
How to change settings
"Network Settings for the Printer (NetWare) (LBP6680x Only)"
[AppleTalk Settings]
It displays the AppleTalk settings.
How to change settings
"Configuring the Protocol Settings"
[SMB Settings] (LBP6680x only)
It displays the SMB settings.
How to change settings
"Network Settings for the Printer (SMB) (LBP6680x Only)"
[SNMP Settings]
It displays the SNMP settings.
How to change settings
"Restricting the Users Who Can Monitor/Change the Settings Using the SNMP Protocol"
[Spooler] (LBP6680x only)
It displays the spool function settings when the SD card is installed.
How to change settings
"Setting the Spooling Function (LBP6680x Only)"
[Startup Time Settings]
It displays the startup time settings.
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