[Job Operation]
When logged on in End-User mode, it is possible to operate jobs with user names that match using [Management
Settings] of [Settings/Registration] - [Management Settings] - [Security] only when job operation by end users is
[Dept. ID]
If department ID is set, the department ID for the job is displayed. (LBP6680x only)
The date and time the job was input is displayed.
Update Button
It refreshes the [Job Status] page display to the latest status.
[Back to Page Top]
It moves the scroll box up to the top of the page.
Print: [Job History] Page
The Print Job/Direct Print, saved job, report printing and e-mail Job History are displayed.
[Job History] Page Display
It is possible to display Job History only when displaying job history is permitted by [Display Job History] of
[Settings/Registration] - [Management Settings] - [Security].
Display Toggling
Select the job history to display. Only the selected type of job history is displayed in the list.
[Print Job/Direct Print]
[Stored Job] (LBP6680x only)
[E-Mail Print]
Display Job History
The output job history list is displayed.
Update Button
It refreshes the [Job History] page display to the latest status.
[Back to Page Top]
It moves the scroll box up to the top of the page.
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