3.e - BRake ReaCh
Many bikes have brake levers which can be
adjusted for reach. If you have small hands or find
it difficult to squeeze the brake levers, your dealer
can either adjust the reach or fit shorter reach
brake levers.
ReaCh, the moRe CRitiCal it is to
have CoRReCtly adJUsted BRakes,
so that fUll BRakinG PoWeR Can
Be aPPlied Within availaBle BRake
leveR tRavel.
Brake lever travel insufficient to apply full
braking power can result in loss of control,
which may result in serious injury or death.
seCtion 4. teCh
It’s important to your safety, performance and
enjoyment to understand how things work on your
We urge you to ask your dealer how to do the
things described in this section before you attempt
them yourself, and that you have your dealer
check your work before you ride the bike.
If you have even the slightest doubt as to whether
you understand something in this section of the
Manual, talk to your dealer.
see also PaRt ii,
seCtion d. insPeCt foR safety.
4.a - Wheels / QUiCk
1. Wheel Quick Releases
RidinG With an imPRoPeRly adJUsted
Wheel QUiCk Release Can alloW the
Wheel to WoBBle oR fall off the
BiCyCle, WhiCh Can CaUse seRioUs
inJURy oR death. theRefoRe, it is
essential that yoU:
. Ask your dealer to help you make sure
you know how to install and remove your
wheels safely.
. Understand and apply the correct technique
for clamping your wheel in place with a
quick release.
3. Each time, before you ride the bike, check
that the wheel is securely clamped.