3.C - handleBaR
heiGht and anGle
Your bike is equipped either with a “threadless”
stem, which clamps on to the outside of the steerer
tube, or with a “quill” stem, which clamps inside
the steerer tube by way of an expanding binder
bolt. If you aren’t absolutely sure which type of
stem your bike has, ask your dealer.
If your bike has a “threadless” stem, your dealer
may be able to change handlebar height by
moving height adjustment spacers from below the
stem to above the stem, or vice versa. Otherwise,
you’ll have to get a stem of different length or rise.
Consult your dealer. Do not attempt to do this
yourself, as it requires special knowledge.
If your bike has a “quill” stem, you can ask your
dealer to adjust the handlebar height a bit by
adjusting stem height.
A quill stem has an etched or stamped mark on
its shaft which designates the stem’s “Minimum
Insertion” or “Maximum Extension”. This mark
must not be visible above the headset.
on some BiCyCles, ChanGinG the
stem oR stem heiGht Can affeCt the
tension of the fRont BRake CaBle,
loCkinG the fRont BRake oR CReatinG
eXCess CaBle slaCk WhiCh Can make
the fRont BRake inoPeRaBle.
If the front brake pads move in towards the
wheel rim or out away from the wheel rim when
the stem or stem height is changed, the brakes
must be correctly adjusted before you ride the
the stem’s minimUm inseRtion maRk
mUst not Be visiBle aBove the toP of
the headset.
If the stem is extended beyond the minimum
insertion mark the stem may break or damage
the fork’s steerer tube, which could cause you
to lose control and fall.
an insUffiCiently tiGhtened stem
BindeR Bolt, handleBaR BindeR Bolt
oR BaR end eXtension ClamPinG Bolt
may ComPRomise steeRinG aCtion,
WhiCh CoUld CaUse yoU to lose
ContRol and fall.
Place the front wheel of the bicycle between
your legs and attempt to twist the handlebar/
stem assembly. If you can twist the stem in
relation to the front wheel, turn the handlebars
in relation to the stem, or turn the bar end
extensions in relation to the handlebar, the bolts
are insufficiently tightened.
Your dealer can also change the angle of the
handlebar or bar end extensions.
3.d - ContRol Position
The angle of the brake and shift control levers and
their position on the handlebars can be changed.
Ask your dealer to make the adjustments for you.