Figure 5. Interrupted Seat Tube
2. front and Back adjustment
The saddle can be adjusted forward or back to
help you get the optimal position on the bike.
Ask your dealer to set the saddle for your optimal
riding position and to show you how to make this
3. saddle angle adjustment
Most people prefer a horizontal saddle; but some
riders like the saddle nose angled up or down just
a little. Your dealer can adjust saddle angle or
teach you how to do it.
NOTE: If your bicycle is equipped with a
suspension seat post, periodically ask your dealer
to check it.
Small changes in saddle position can have a
substantial effect on performance and comfort.
To find your best saddle position, make only one
adjustment at a time.
afteR any saddle adJUstment, Be
sURe that the saddle adJUstinG
meChanism is PRoPeRly tiGhtened
BefoRe RidinG. a loose saddle
ClamP oR seat Post BindeR Can
CaUse damaGe to the seat Post, oR
Can CaUse yoU to lose ContRol and
mechanism will allow no saddle movement in
any direction. Periodically check to make sure
that the saddle adjusting mechanism is properly
If, in spite of carefully adjusting the saddle height,
tilt and fore-and-aft position, your saddle is still
uncomfortable, you may need a different saddle
design. Saddles, like people, come in many
different shapes, sizes and resilience. Your
dealer can help you select a saddle which, when
correctly adjusted for your body and riding style,
will be comfortable.
some PeoPle have Claimed that
eXtended RidinG With a saddle WhiCh
is inCoRReCtly adJUsted oR WhiCh
does not sUPPoRt yoUR PelviC aRea
CoRReCtly Can CaUse shoRt-teRm
oR lonG-teRm inJURy to neRves and
Blood vessels, oR even imPotenCe.
If your saddle causes you pain, numbness or
other discomfort, listen to your body and stop
riding until you see your dealer about saddle
adjustment or a different saddle.