installinG aCCessoRies
Have all accessories mounted by your Authorized
Cannondale Retailer. Be sure that any accessory
you or your authorized retailer fits to your bike
does not block or interfere with nationally required
reflectors or lights.
aCCessoRies Can adveRsely affeCt
the PeRfoRmanCe of yoUR BiCyCle
and may Be Unsafe.
aeRodynamiC handleBaRs
Aerodynamic or “Triathlon” handlebar extensions
are fitted to some triathlon or racing bikes. They
are also added by customers. Understand that
when riding on these extensions your steering
and braking are adversely affected. Some riders
find it harder to bend their neck to see forward.
Be sure to practice riding with aero handlebar
extensions on hazard and traffic free roads.
Practice the transition from having your hands
on the extensions to having your hands on the
regular handlebars and brake levers.
do not Ride on the aeRo handleBaR
eXtensions in tRaffiC oR on diffiCUlt
Ride on the aero handlebar extensions only
when the road is clear of traffic and hazards
and you have a long line of sight.
When using the extensions understand that you
are compromising steering and braking in favor
of speed. If you need to take evasive steering
or braking action while on the extensions you
could have an accident, with risk of serious
injury, paralysis or death.
BaR ends
Cannondale urges consumers not to install “Bar
Ends” on bicycles. Some handlebars are designed
to take the added stress of bar ends, others
are not. Very lightweight handlebars may be
particularly poorly suited for bar ends. If you want
bar ends, consult your Authorized Cannondale
Retailer about suitable choices, read and follow
instructions and warnings that accompany
the handlebars and bar ends, and inspect the
handlebars and bar ends regularly.