Refer AS5601.
For “air movement not to affect appliance” see clause 5.3.1.
For ‘air supply to appliance’ see clause 5.4.1.
For ‘ventilation requirements’ see clause .5.4.3.
Installation WITH a flue connected
16. The burner is contained within the burner chamber. Refer figure 25.
17. Carefully unpack the log set. Logs are numbered as follows:
No 1 - Left front log
No 2 - Left back log
No 3 - Right front log
No 4 - Right back log
Position the four individually numbered logs in the following order on
the burner head as shown in figure 26-29. The male locating pins on
the burner head must engage with corresponding holes in the indi-
vidual logs.
a) Place log No.1 onto the 2 front left
pins on the burner head, ensuring that
the charring faces the front. Refer figure
b) Place log No.2 onto the 2 left back
pins. Refer figure 27.
c) Place log No.3 on single right front
pin, ensure fork locates over log No. 2.
Refer figure 28.
d) Place log No. 4 on single right back
pin, ensure left side of log rests on de-
pression in No. 3 log. Refer figure 29 .
Log installation
For installation onto a masonry or brick fireplace WITH a flue connection refer figure 11.
For installation WITHOUT a flue connected referfigures 12 & 13. After installation of the
heater/flue test the flue to confirm air vents are unobstructed. If an exhaust fan or other
heating appliances are present switch them on. This is to test that there is no interaction
between the CANNON heater and other appliances.