A typical Invisible Fence
Brand installation
surrounds the entire property.
Invisible Fence
Brand systems only
work when all of the signal field wire,
(including the loop (boundary) wire and
the pre-twisted pair), forms one
continuous closed circuit. The signal must
travel from the transmitter, along the
wire, and back to the transmitter to
complete the circuit.
Installing your Invisible Fence
Brand Wires
If you have underground utilities, they should have been marked out before you began the
installation of your Invisible Fence
Brand wires. The mark-out company will send a
representative to identify underground utilities on your property and place colored flags to
mark found utilities. Wires that cross these areas MUST BE BURIED BY HAND, using care to
ensure you do not accidently cut your existing underground wires (cable, TV, sprinkler,
etc.). Flags will be a specific color depending on the utility it is identifying. Below is a
common color coded chart for you to identify what underground utilities have been
marked out and if there are any that WERE NOT marked properly. If you have any
questions if your property has been cleared by the mark-out company, please call #811 and
speak to a “CALL BEFORE YOU DIG” representative.
Perimeter (Boundary) Wire
Pre-Twisted (neutral) wire