Model HFP01 Soil Heat Flux Plate
Use a small shovel to make a vertical slice in the soil. Excavate the soil to one
side of the slice. Keep this soil intact so that is can be replaced with minimal
The sensors are installed in the undisturbed face of the hole. Measure the
sensor depths from the top of the hole. With a small knife, make a horizontal
cut 8 cm below the surface into the undisturbed face of the hole. Insert the
heat flux plate into the horizontal cut.
Install the HFP01 in the soil such that the side with the red label
is facing the sky and the side with a blue label facing the soil.
In order for the HFP01 to make quality soil heat flux
measurements, the plate must be in full contact with the
Never run the sensors leads directly to the surface. Rather, bury the sensor
leads a short distance back from the hole to minimize thermal conduction on
the lead wire. Replace the excavated soil back into it original position after all
the sensors are installed.
To protect sensor cables from damage caused by rodents, it is
recommended to bury them inside of flexible electrical tubing.
Signal (White)
Signal Reference (Green)
Shield (Clear)
FIGURE 6-2. HFP01 plate to datalogger connections