set div ###
Sets the modem antenna configuration. ### is a string. Disabled and Enabled are the only two
values that are accepted.
set baud ###
Sets the modem baud rate for the RS-232 port. ### is a number corresponding to the desired
baud rate. Accepted values are 460800, 230400, 115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 19200, 14400, 9600,
4800, and 2400.
set mode ###
Sets the modems operating mode. ### is a string. Accepted values are PPP and Serial Server.
set sdc ###
Sets the modem SDC address for the CS I/O port. ### is a number. Accepted values are 7, 8, 10,
and 11.
set listen port ###
Sets the listening TCP/IP port of the modem for use in Serial Server mode. ### is a number. The
accepted range is 1 through 65535.
set billing ###
Sets the billing day that will be used to roll over the data usage statics in the modem. ### is a
number. Accepted values are 1 to 31.
set roaming ###
Sets the roaming capabilities of the cellular modem. ### is a string. Accepted values are Auto
and Disabled.
set ipprotocol ###
Sets the TCP/IP protocol used by the modem when communicating with the cellular network.
### is a string. Accepted values are IPv4, IPv6, and IPv4/IPv6.
set ppp user ###
Sets the modems PPP protocol username. ### is a string.
set ppp pass ###
Sets the modems PPP protocol password. ### is a string.
set comms watch
This command is interactive and allows the user to watch or do a trace on a specific modem
interface. The user is expected to select a number corresponding with the interface they wish to
CELL200-Series 4G LTE Cellular Module