All rights reserved.No spreading abroad without permission of Caltta.
configuration file. Then, click OK to clone data. During the
cloning process, a progress bar is displayed to show the
progress. After cloning is completed, a success message
box is displayed. The target radio will be restarted
automatically and then use the new configuration data.
Note: The cloning process skips checking the ID , name,
account number, and password of your radio, and reads
and writes the password information.
Cloning is not allowed when the dialing rules for the clone
data are inconsistent with the radio data
Remote Read
This function reads data from your Repeater. select
Program > Remote Read. The Read dialog box is
displayed. Click OK to read data. During the data reading
process, a progress bar is displayed to show the progress.
After programming data is read completely, a message
box is displayed, showing that data is read successfully.
Remote Write
This function writes data into your Repeater. select
Program > Remote Write from the menu. The Write dialog
box is displayed. Click OK to write data. During the data
writing process, a progress bar is displayed to show the
progress. After programming data is written completely, a
message box is displayed, showing that data is written
successfully. Your radio will be restarted automatically and
then use the new configuration data.