background image

6.4.2. Suction pipe 

The suction pipe must be perfectly airtight and be led 
upwards in order to avoid air pockets. 
If operating with 

flexible hoses

, use a reinforced spi-

ral suction hose in order to avoid hose narrowing due 
to a suction vacuum. 
With a 

pump located above the water level


tion lift operation), fit a 

foot valve

 or a 

check valve


on the suction connection. 

a pump located below water level


under positive suction head) install a gate valve. 

6.4.3. Delivery pipe 

Fit a gate valve in the delivery pipe to adjust delivery, 
head, and absorbed power. 
Install a pressure gauge. 
With a geodetic head of over 15 m fit a check valve 
between the pump and the gate valve in order to pro-
tect the pump from water hammering. 

6.5 Electrical connection 





 Electrical connection must be carried out only 

by a qualified electrician in accordance with 
local regulations. 

Follow all safety standards. 
The unit must be properly earthed (grounded). 

Connect  the  earthing  (grounding)  conductor  to the 
terminal  with  the 


Compare  the frequency and mains voltage with the 
name-plate data and connect the supply conductors 
to the terminals in accordance with the appropriate 
diagram inside the terminal box cover. 


ATTENTION:  never  allow  washers  or  other 
metal  parts to fall into the internal cable 
opening between the terminal box and stator. 

If this occurs, dismantle the motor to recover the 
object which has fallen inside. 

If the terminal box is provided with an inlet gland, use 
a flexible power supply cord of the H07 RN-F type 
with section of cable  not less than (par. 12.3 TAB 
If the terminal box is provided with an inlet bushing, 
connect the power supply cord through a conduit. 
For use in swimming pools (not when persons are in 
the pool), garden ponds and similar places, a 


dual current device 

with I


N not exceeding 30 mA 

must be installed in the supply circuit. 
Install a 

device for disconnection from the mains


(switch) with a contact separation of at least 3 mm in 
all poles. 
With  a  three-phase  motor install an overload protec-
tion with curve D device appropriate for the rated cur-
rent of the pump. 

Single-phase  NMPM,

 are supplied with a capacitor 

connected to the terminals and (for 220-240 V - 50 
Hz) with an incorporated thermal protector. 


7.1 Preliminary checks before start-up of the 


Do not start-up the device in case of damaged parts. 

7.2 First starting 





ATTENTION: never run the pump dry. 

Start the pump 

after filling it completely with liquid. 

When the pump is located above the water level


(suction lift operation) fill the pump with water up to 
suction pipe level through the opening on the strainer 
after removing the cover 
(fig. 2). 

ATTENTION: for transportation the cover is tem-
porarily closed with hexagon nuts. 
Replace them with the hand knobs (15.12) located 
inside the filter.


When operating with the pump below water level


(inflow under positive suction head), fill the pump by 
opening the suction gate valve slowly and comple-
tely, keeping the delivery gate valve open to release 
the air. 

With a three-phase motor check that the direction 
of rotation

 is as shown by the arrow on the pump 

casing, otherwise, disconnect electrical power and 
reverse the connections of two phases. 
With a suction lift operation it may be necessary to 
wait a few minutes for the pump to prime. 
Check that the pump works within its field of perfor-
mance, and that the absorbed current shown on the 
name-plate is not exceeded. 
Otherwise adjust the delivery gate valve. 

7.3 Switch off of the pump





 The appliance must be switch off every time 

there are faults. (see troubleshooting). 


The product is designed for a continuous duty,  the 
switch off is performed by disconnecting the power 
supply by means the expected disconnecting devi-
ces. (see paragraph "6.5 Electrical connection"). 


Before any operations it's necessary to disconnect 
the power supply.  
If required ask to an electrician or to an expert techni-

 Every maintenance operations, cleaning or 

reparation executed with the electrical system 
under voltage, it could cause serious injuries 
to people. 





NMP Rev. 18 - Operating Instructions

Pagina 11 / 64

IST NMP Rev18 10_2022.qxp_MXS 11_03con gall  21/09/22  12:31  Pagina 11

Summary of Contents for NMP

Page 1: ...orporado Sj lv evakuerande poolpumpar med inbyggd silkorg Zelfaanzuigende zwembadpompen met ingebouwd voorfilter NMP ISTRUZIONI ORIGINALI PER L USO Pagina 2 Italiano OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Page 8 Engl...

Page 2: non deve essere effettuata da bambini senza sorveglianza Non usare l apparecchio in stagni vasche e piscine quando nell acqua si trovano persone Leggere attentamente la sezione installazione dove r...

Page 3: ...ti o infortuni dovuti all inosservanza dei divieti sopracitati 2 3 Marcatura Di seguito una copia della targhetta di identificazione presente sull involucro esterno della pompa 3 CARATTERISTICHE TECNI...

Page 4: ...ato da due persone contemporaneamente vedi cap 12 1 dimensioni di ingombro 6 INSTALLAZIONE 6 1 Dimensioni di ingombro Per le dimensioni di ingombro dell apparecchio vedi allegato Dimensioni di ingombr...

Page 5: ...pompa sopra il livello dell acqua da sollevare funzionamento in aspirazione riempire la pompa con acqua fino al livello della bocca aspirante attraverso l a pertura sul filtro togliendo il coperchio...

Page 6: che l albero non sia bloccato da incrostazioni o altre cause e riempire completamente di liquido il corpo pompa 8 2 Smontaggio dall impianto Prima dello smontaggio chiudere le saracinesche in aspir...

Page 7: ...ituire il motore a Sbloccare la pompa agendo sull intaglio ricavato nella parte posteriore dell albero b Rimuovere i corpi solidi all interno della girante c Sostituire i cuscinetti a Sfiatare l aria...

Page 8: ...n or maintain it unless they are given supervision Do not use in ponds tanks or swimming pools or where people may enter or come into contact with the water Read carefully the installation section whi...

Page 9: ...device Calpeda shall not be responsible for failure or accident due to improper use 2 3 Marking The following picture is a copy of the name plate that is on the external case of the pump 3 TECHNICAL...

Page 10: ...mensions with the chosen product see para graph 12 1 dimensions and weights 5 1 Handling Handle with care the packages must not receive impacts Avoid to impact onto the package materials that could da...

Page 11: ...tor install an overload protec tion with curve D device appropriate for the rated cur rent of the pump Single phase NMPM are supplied with a capacitor connected to the terminals and for 220 240 V 50 H...

Page 12: ...if there is a risk of freezing see paragraph 12 2 fig 3 Before restarting the unit check that the shaft is not jammed and fill the pump casing completely with liquid 8 2 Dismantling the system Close...

Page 13: ...osity of the liquid pumped 4g Incorrect direction of rotation 5a Worn bearings 5b Unbalanced power supply 6a The mechanical seal has functioned when dry or has stuck 6b Mechanical seal scored by prese...

Page 14: ...das Ger t zu Reinigen und zu Warten Kinder d rfen niemals das Ger t Reinigen oder Warten es sei denn sie befinden sich unter strenger qualifi zierter Aufsicht und Anleitung Das Ger t darf nicht einge...

Page 15: ...r t zu anderen unzul ssigen Zwecken oder unter in diesem Handbuch nicht vorgesehenen Bedingungen ist strengstens verboten Die Fehlanwendung des Produktes verringert seine Sicherheits und Effizienzmerk...

Page 16: ...UND HANDHABUNG Das Produkt ist verpackt damit der Inhalt nicht besch digt wird Beim Transport ist die Stapelung von schweren Verpackungen zu vermeiden Vergewissern Sie sich dass sich die Verpackung b...

Page 17: ...Vorrichtung zur Abschaltung jeder Phase vom Netz Schalter mit einem ffnungsabstand der Kontakte von mindestens 3 mm zu installieren Bei Dreiphasen Drehstrommotoren ist ein Motorschutzschalter mit Kur...

Page 18: ...werden Reaktions und gesundheitsgef hrdende Ausstr mungsgefahr Korrosionsgefahr bei stehendem Wasser sowie bei Temperaturerh hung oder pH Wert Minderung Wird die Pumpe nicht eingesetzt so mu sie bei F...

Page 19: ...rh hte Viskosit t des F rdermediums g Falsche Drehrichtung a Motolager defekt b Fehler der Spannungsversorgung a Defekt infolge von Trockenlauf oder verkleben der Gleitfl chen b Gleitfl chen duch abra...

Page 20: ...des enfants sans surveillance Ne pas utiliser l appareil dans des tangs des cuves ou des piscines quand des personnes sont dans l eau Lisez attentivement la section d installa tion qui nonce La press...

Page 21: ...dus l inobservation des inter dictions pr sent es ci dessus 2 3 Marquage Ci dessous voici une copie d une plaquette d identifi cation situ e sur le corps ext rieur de la pompe 3 CARACT RISTIQUES TECH...

Page 22: quat aux dimensions totales externes des emballages Les moyens pour transporter l appareil emball doivent tre ad quats aux dimensions et aux poids du produit choisi voir Chap 12 1 dimensions d enco...

Page 23: ...t allumage L appareil ne doit pas tre mis en marche en cas de pi ces endommag es 7 2 Premier d marrage ATTENTION viter tout prix le fonctionnement sec D marrer la pompe seulement apr s l avoir rem pli...

Page 24: ...un danger de gel Chap 12 2 fig 3 Avant de remettre en marche la pompe contr ler que l arbre ne soit pas bloqu par des incrustations ou par d autres causes et remplir compl tement de liquide le corps d...

Page 25: ...pour le type d application d Suintement initial l ger pendant le remplissage ou au premier d marrage 11 DYSFONCTIONNEMENTS Attention Couper l alimentation lectrique avant de r aliser toute op ration E...

Page 26: ...s por ni os sin vigilancia No utilizar el dispositivo en estanques tanques y piscinas cuando hay gente en el agua Lea cuidadosamente la secci n de instalaci n que establece La pression estructural de...

Page 27: ...rjuicios causados por el incumplimiento de las prohibiciones mencionadas antes 2 3 Marca A continuaci n se muestra una copia de la tarjeta de identificaci n presente en el exterior de la bomba 3 CARAC...

Page 28: ...que evitar la superposici n al embalado de otro material que podr a da ar la bomba Si el peso supera los 25 Kg el embalado tiene que ser levantado por dos personas al mismo tiempo v ase cap 12 1 dime...

Page 29: ...n termoprotector incorpora do 7 ARRANQUE Y USO 7 1 Controles antes del arranque La bomba no debe funcionar en presencia de parte deteriorada 7 2 Primer arranque ATENCI N Evitar absolutamente el funcio...

Page 30: heladas esta debe de ser vaciada completamente cap 12 2 fig 3 Antes de poner en marcha el motor controlar que el eje no esta bloqueado por incrustaciones o por otras causas y llenar de l quido la b...

Page 31: ...gases en el agua f Viscosidad excesiva del l quido bombeado g Sentido de rotaci n equivocado a Cojinetes desgastados b Alimentaci n el ctrica desequilibrada a El sello mec nico ha funcionado en seco...

Page 32: ...leka med apparaten Reng ring och underh ll av apparaten m ste utf ras av anv ndaren Reng ring och underh ll f r inte utf ras barn utan en vuxens tillsyn Anv nd inte apparaten i dammar bas s nger eller...

Page 33: ansvarigt f r fel eller olyckor till f ljd av f rsummelse att iaktta ovan n mn da f rbud 2 3 M rkning Nedan f ljer en kopia av m rkskylten som r place rad p pumpens yttre h lje 3 TEKNISKA EGENSKAPE...

Page 34: ...m tt 5 1 F rflyttning F rflytta emballaget f rsiktigt eftersom det inte f r uts ttas f r st tar Undvik att stapla annat material p emballagen efter som det kan f rs mra skicket p pumpen Om vikten vers...

Page 35: ...silkorgen N r pumpen r placerad under v tskeniv n tillrin ning av v tskan skall pumpen samt sugledning fyl las genom att ventilen p sugsidan ppnas ventilen p trycksidan skall vara ppen s att luft kan...

Page 36: ...rn samt alla innandelar kan demonteras utan att pumphuset samt ledningarna beh ver lossas detta g res genom att muttrarna 14 28 avl gsnas motorn komplett med pumphjul kan d tas ut bak t 8 4 Pumpar med...

Page 37: ...kriden viskositet p v tskan g Felaktig rotationsriktning a Slitna Lager b Ostabil sp nningsmatning a Den mekaniska axelt tningen har torrk rts eller varit blockerad b Axelt tningen skadad av slitande...

Page 38: raat nooit schoonmaken of onderhouden tenzij ze onder toezicht staan Geen gebruik in vijvers tanks of zwem baden of waar personen binnentreden of in contact komen met het water Lees uitvoerig het i...

Page 39: apparaat aan De firma Calpeda S p A kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor defecten of ongelukken die te wijten zijn aan het niet in acht nemen van de hierbo ven omschreven verboden 2 3 Mar...

Page 40: ...t vrij kan bewegen en dat het voertuig waarmee de waar wordt afgehaald geschikt is voor de totale afmetingen van de ver pakking De voertuigen voor het transport van het verpakte appa raat moeten gesch...

Page 41: ...240 V 50 Hz met een inge bouwde thermische beveiliging 7 INSCHAKELEN EN GEBRUIK 7 1 Controles alvorens in te schakelen Het apparaat mag niet ingeschakeld worden wanneer er beschadigde onderdelen zijn...

Page 42: ...j toename van temperatuur en verlaging van de PH waarde In geval van verwachte stilstand voor langere perio de of vorst pomp volledig aftappen par 12 3 fig 3 Alvorens de unit weer in bedrijf te stelle...

Page 43: ...ting a Versleten lagers b Wisselende stroom voeding a De mech seal heeft gefunctioneerd echter droogloop of loopvlakken stuk b Loopvlakken zijn ingelopen door aanwezigheid van abrassieve delen in het...

Page 44: ...EDA S p A 1 44 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 46 6 46 7 47 8 47 9 48 10 48 10 1 49 11 49 12 61 12 1 61 12 2 62 12 2 63 64 1 Calpeda SpA 2 3 8 3 1 6 5 6 5 1 1 E E i OFF ON IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall...

Page 45: ...MEI XX XX kg IP XX n XXXX min V XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX cos XXX XXX XXX 230 400Y V3 50Hz XX F X X A XXXXXXXX S1 l cl X XX kW XXHp S F 1 0 2 3 21 4 5 15 16 11 13 19 20 22 6 11 7 9 10 12 8 18 17 14 Mon...

Page 46: ...64 NMP Rev 18 GR CALPEDA S p A 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 12 1 5 1 25 kg 12 1 6 6 1 12 1 6 2 3 2 6 3 12 2 1 6 4 NMP vx 6 4 1 1 5 m s 3 m s i i i IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall 21 09 22 12 31 Pagin...

Page 47: ...64 NMP Rev 18 GR 6 4 2 6 4 3 15m 6 5 L 07 RN F 12 3 TAB 1 30mA 3 mm D NMPM 220 240V 7 7 1 7 2 12 2 2 15 12 2 7 3 OFF 6 5 8 OFF OFF ON IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall 21 09 22 12 31 Pagina...

Page 48: ...Rev 18 GR CAL PEDA SpA CALPEDA SpA 8 1 8 2 8 3 14 28 8 4 IP 55 IP 55 LOCTITE 510 9 2012 19 EU WEEE 10 10 1 CALPEDA S p A OFF OFF i i OFF OFF IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall 21 09 22 12 31...

Page 49: ...00 36 50 46 00 70 20 70 21 73 00 76 00 76 04 76 16 76 20 76 54 78 00 81 00 82 00 82 04 82 08 88 00 88 04 90 00 90 04 94 00 98 00 98 04 98 08 11 OFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f a b c a b c d a b c d e f g...

Page 50: ...EDA S P A 1 50 2 51 3 51 4 51 5 52 6 52 7 53 8 53 9 54 10 54 10 2 55 11 55 12 61 12 1 61 12 2 62 12 4 63 64 1 Calpeda S p A 2 3 CE 8 3 1 6 5 6 5 1 1 i OFF ON IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gal...

Page 51: ...Pa Hmax Pa 3 2 40 4 4 1 i i XXXXXXX Q min max X X m3 h IEC 60034 1 IECX X AAAAXXXXX XXX XXX XXX H max min X X m ESCC2900 MEI XX XX kg IP XX n XXXX min V XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX cos XXX XXX XXX 230 400...

Page 52: ...C 52 64 NMP Rev 18 RU Calpeda S p A 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 12 1 5 1 25 12 1 6 6 1 12 1 6 2 3 2 6 3 12 1 1 6 4 NMP 6 4 1 1 5 i i IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall 21 09 22 12 31 Pagina 52...

Page 53: ...53 64 NMP Rev 18 RU 6 4 2 6 4 3 15 6 5 07 RN F 12 3 TAB 1 I N 30 mA 3 D NMPM 50 220 240 7 7 1 7 2 12 2 2 15 12 7 3 6 5 8 ON OFF OFF IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall 21 09 22 12 31 Pagina 5...

Page 54: ...18 RU Calpeda S p A Calpeda S p A 8 1 12 3 3 8 2 8 3 14 28 8 4 IP55 IP55 LOCTITE 510 9 2012 19 EU WEEE 10 10 1 Calpeda S p A OFF OFF OFF i i OFF IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall 21 09 22 1...

Page 55: ...28 00 28 04 28 20 32 00 32 30 32 32 32 33 36 00 36 50 46 00 70 20 70 21 73 00 76 00 76 04 76 16 76 20 76 54 78 00 81 00 82 00 82 04 82 08 88 00 88 04 90 00 90 04 94 00 98 00 98 04 98 08 11 OFF 1 2 3 4...

Page 56: ...0 59 10 2 59 11 60 12 61 12 1 61 12 2 62 12 4 63 64 1 CALPEDA S P A 2 3 CE 8 3 1 6 5 6 5 1 1 1 2 CALPEDA S P A Via Roggia di Mezzo 39 36050 Montorso Vicentino Vicenza Italia www calpeda it 1 3 1 4 i i...

Page 57: ...4 5 5 12 1 i XXXXXXX Q min max X X m3 h IEC 60034 1 IECX X AAAAXXXXX XXX XXX XXX H max min X X m ESCC2900 MEI XX XX kg IP XX n XXXX min V XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX cos XXX XXX XXX 230 400Y V3 50Hz XX F...

Page 58: ...2 1 6 6 1 12 1 6 2 3 2 6 3 12 2 1 6 4 NMP 6 4 1 1 5m s 3m s 6 4 2 6 4 3 15M 6 5 H07RN F 12 3 30 3mm D NNMPM 220 240V 50Hz 7 7 1 7 2 2 7 3 6 5 8 OFF OFF i ON IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qxp_MXS 11_03con gall...

Page 59: ...00 14 12 14 20 O 14 24 14 28 14 46 15 00 15 04 O 15 08 15 12 15 50 28 00 28 04 28 20 32 00 32 30 32 32 32 33 36 00 36 50 46 00 70 20 70 21 73 00 76 00 76 04 76 16 76 20 76 54 78 00 81 00 82 00 82 04...

Page 60: ...c 1d 1e 1f 2a 2b 3c 3a 3b 3c 3d 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 5a 5b 6a 6b 6c 6d 1a 1b 1c 1d a c 1e 2 1f 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 3d 2b 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 5a 5b 6a 6b 6c 6a 6b 6c 6d 6a 6b 6c IST NMP Rev18 10_2022 qx...

Page 61: ...0 230 50 228 320 100 70 190 140 30 50 14 220 12 B B B G 21 2 G 21 2 205 540 580 602 262 60 240 240 250 360 100 70 240 190 37 37 20 50 14 234 274 298 12 B B G 3 G 3 320 724 750 360 80 298 320 470 125 9...

Page 62: ...yft Dr nering Luftinsl pp Vullen Heffen van de pomp Aftappen Luchtinlaat 4 93 O49 12 3 Sezione minima dei conduttori Minimum cross sectional area of conductors Kleinster Querschnitt der Leiter Tab 1 T...

Page 63: ...ddress Via Roggia di Mezzo 39 36050 Montorso Vicentino VI Italy We Calpeda S P A declare that the undersigned company certifies under its sole responsibility that the pumps specified below satisfy the...

Page 64: ...2006 42 EC 2009 125 EC 2011 65 EU 2014 30 EU 2014 35 EU og er i overensstemmelse med de heri indeholdte standarder Kommissionens forordning nr 2019 1781 NL CONFORMITEITSVERKLARING Wij CALPEDA S p A ve...
