User and Programming Manual - Rev H
California Instruments
P Series
May 2000
This command is used to define the register value the power source will use to initialize its
parameters at power up. If data in the selected register is not valid or the selected register is
8, the initialization will be with factory default values. Refer to paragraph 14.4.6
Command Syntax
0 to 8
Query Syntax
Returned Parameters
Related Commands
14.4 Common Commands
Common commands begin with an * and consist of three letters (command) or three letters
and a ? (query). Common commands are defined by the IEEE 488.2 standard to perform some
common interface functions. The power source responds to the required common commands
that control status reporting, synchronization, and internal operations. P Series units also
respond to optional common commands that control stored operating parameters.
Common commands and queries are listed alphabetically.If a command has a corresponding
query that simply returns the data or status specified by the command, then both command
and query are included under the explanation for the command. If a query does not have a
corresponding command or is functionally different from the command, then the query is listed
separately. The description for each common command or query specifies any status
registers affected. Refer to chapter 16 which explains how to read specific register bits and use
the information that they return.
Common Commands Syntax
Clear status
*ESE <n>
Standard event status enable
Return standard event status enable
Return event status register
Return instrument identification
*RCL <n>
Recall instrument state
*SAV <n>
Save instrument state
*SRE <n>
Set service request enable register
Return service request enable register
Return status byte