TTU-12x0 Hardware & Installation Guide - PULS Wiki
more robust cases, some key configuration settings such as the Inbound Address and URL should also be verified.
Note that these processes are all based on issuing AT Commands to the TTU-12x0™. It is expected that installers will have
access to a serial port expansion cable and a laptop or PDA capable of a terminal connection. Alternatively, an SMS
message can be sent to an TTU-12x0™ to obtain its current status.
5.4.1 Comm Verification
Installers should first verify that the TTU-12x0™ has been acquired and has registered to the wireless network. This may be
verified in one of two ways. First, installers may look at the Comm LED (i.e., the one closest to the SMC antenna connector).
If this LED is solid, then the LMU has registered to the network and established a data session.
If the LED is not visible, then Comm may be verified using an AT Command:
Depending on the wireless network being used something similar to what is shown below will be displayed. It is important to
verify that 'Yes' values are displayed at the top for Data and Network registration and the correct APN is displayed.
Radio Access : GSM
Network Reg. : Yes, Home
Data Reg. : Yes, Home
Connection : Yes
RSSI : -97 dBm
BER : 99
Channel : 737
Cell ID : 3441
Base Station ID : 40
Local Area Code : 31003
Network Code : 410
Country Code : 310
IMEI (Modem S/N): 351802055396182
IMSI (SIM ID) : 310410202524377
ICC-ID (SIM S/N): 89014102212025243778
Phone Number :
Maint. Server : maint.vehicle-location.com(
Inbound Server : (
Dual Comm : routing id=0, log cid=0, modem type=21, inbnd index=0
If any of the responses return Not-Acquired or Not-Registered (and the APN is correct), the wireless network operator
should be contacted for further troubleshooting.
Please note that it may take several seconds (or longer) for the TTU-12x0™ to communicate with the modem and acquire
the wireless network.
5.4.2 GPS Verification
The next step is to verify that the GPS receiver is seeing enough satellites to obtain a valid GPS position. Again, installers have
two choices on how to perform this verification. First, like the Comm Verification, there is a GPS status LED (i.e., the one
closest to the SMA connector). If this LED is solid, then the LMU has found GPS service.
If the LED is not visible then GPS service may be verified using an AT Command: