ENCORE GROUND Rev. 1 2021-10
www.cafection.com 800-561-6162
SERVICE & INSTALLATION MANUAL for Cafection's Encore Ground
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Adjusting the Tank Overflow Cup
The overflow cup is a safety feature. If the water tank overflows, the extra water will
leak in the pipe down to the overflow cup. If there is too much water, the float will go
up and activate the switch. The machine will then stop automatically.
It is important to verify that the float is positioned properly in the overflow cup
because it can move around in transportation. If the float is not properly in place, the
switch will be activated and the unit will automatically shut down sensing an overflow
situation. The computer screen will stay ON showing an error message.
It is important to verify that the overflow cup is in place with the highest side facing
front and well secured with the green tape. If the cup needs to be removed, make
sure that it is replaced with the highest side facing front and the overflow tube in
the cup. Fasten it in place with tape. This will ensure the float works properly and
activates the overflow switch if a problem occurs.
Hole in the exit
of the tube
Switch deactivated
The unit is on.
Overflow switch activated
The unit shuts down.
Highest side
facing front
Location of the cup
in the brewer