User’s Manual
As described before, the PID control of beam position can be performed in different
configurations. For example it is possible to control the beam in a single dimension
(i.e. Y - dimension is regulated by the system and X is free) or in both dimensions (i.e.
X and Y dimensions are regulated by the system). When the PID controller acts only
in one dimension, the setpoint is a line pointer, otherwise when it acts in two
dimensions the setpoint is represented by as a blue cross pointer (as it can be seen in
Figure 16
The green rectangle within the Graph XY window represents the Region Of Interest
(ROI), i.e. the area where the user is allowed to position the setpoint. The red
rectangle (always larger than the green one) shows the Region Of Convergence
(ROC), i.e. the area where the PID controller acts on the beam position. If in any case
the beam position leaves the ROC, the feedback regulation is stopped. The dimension
of these two regions can be set by the user in the corresponding configuration window
(see section 4.4).
In the Graph XY window it is also possible to perform “Point and Click Positioning”.
This feature allows the user to move the beam to the desired setpoint position by
simply clicking on the XY graph area. To enable this feature it is necessary to select
the “Target Enable” button. An example of this feature is shown in
Figure 18
Figure 18
Point and Click Positioning
Feedback Control Panel
The main settings of the PID feedback control are placed in the
feedback control
panel on the top-right part of the GUI main window.