15/23 www.cadis.be [email protected]
User’s Manual
Aquavision Control
Monitoring Module
Check the value of the pulse output of the water meter (number of litres consumed per pulse) Watch out
because the point acts as a comma. Three digits are added automatically after the point. So if you fill in 1, this
automatically becomes 1.000
Check whether the diameter of the pipe matches the real diameter of the pipe. Select the correct DN size from
the table.
If a temperature or pressure sensor
has been fitted, then these too must be set to Active. You can do this by clicking
on the pencil on the right and also set limits for the alarms.
Setting alarm e-mail, cutting off water supply and buzzer per alarm type.
You can insert the addresses to which alarm e-mails must be sent to in the Network settings page (see above).
Per alarm type you can choose whether you only want to have an alarm e-mail, and/or whether the valve for the
water supply must be closed and/or the buzzer on the module must be activated. For that go to the
Configuration/Alarm configuration screen.
On this screen, for each alarm type, you must click on the required action: Alarm e-mail, valve closed or buzzer on
alarm. Green is Active and red is Non-active. Please be very careful when deciding when the water supply is to be
shut off or not. Generally this is only set to “Active” for a large leak.