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Appendix C
Technical Specifications
General Spe cific ati ons
2 x internal PSU s
100-2 40V AC 50-6 0 Hz
Output requireme nts: +1 7 V, -1 7 V, +12 V
MADI (AES10 compliant ) netwo rk bri dge with up t o 64 bi -
directional c hann els at 4 8 kHz and 32 bi -directi o nal
channels a t 96 kHz
Operat es up t o 500 m ove r optic al fibre li nk and 2 00m
coaxial copp er link
Optical tra nsmission o n SC Duplex co nnecto rs
Cooper t rans mission on 75 o hm co axial BNC con nectors
2 x Cadac MegaCO MMS on:
4 x BNC connecto rs
Audio S pecificati on
Sample Rate
96 kHz
Processing Delay
Sub 0.4 milliseco nd late ncy th rough compl ete sig nal chain
Intern al Processing
40-bit flo ating point
Frequ ency Resp onse
20 Hz to 4 4 kHz + 0 .5 / -1.5 dB
better than 0.005% @unity gain, 1 0 dB inpu t at 1 kHz
Channel Sep aratio n
better than 90 dB
Residual Outp ut Noise
< -90 dBu (20 Hz
– 20 kHz)
< -12 7 dB with 20 0 Ohm sourc e impe dance
Maximum Outpu t
21 dBu