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MADI Bridge Overview
The Cadac CM-MD64 is a 1U, MADI to MegaCOMMS audio network bridge, enabling MADI units to be
incorporated within a MegaCOMMS audio network. The unit supports up to 64 bi-directional
connections to map between MegaCOMMS ports and a MADI network.
The unit features two MADI ports to provide the 64 input and output channel count at 96 kHz. Each
MADI stream has the option of BNC co-axial for connection up to 100m, or duplex optical LC ports for
connections of up to 2km
CM-MD64 can operate at either 96 kHz or 48 kHz, providing 64 bi-directional channels. The unit also
has an internal independent Word Clock.
The BNC co-axial ports glow either red or blue for Rx (receive) or Tx (transmit).
The CM-MD64 also comes as standard with redundant, auto switching, internal PSUs. Cooling of the
unit is done via convection.