The points listed under the Recommended Kiteboarding Practice also apply to the use of this
product on the snow. Please read the previous paragraphs even if you intend to use this
product primarily on the snow.
These kites are intended for use on the snow as a traction device to propel a rider across wide
open snow fields in a controlled and appropriate manner.
Do not attempt to use this kite as a flying device. Do not use this kite to soar from ridges,
cliffs or slopes.
Do not attempt to launch yourself into the air in any manner which can create excessive
impact to the rider upon landing.
Extreme caution must be taken when using this kite in any mountainous region, uneven terrain
or glacier. Wind conditions in these areas are notoriously unstable and can change in velocity
and direction without notice.
Never use this product in the vicinity of powerlines, liftlines, trees, or other obstacles. Contact
with these obstacles can cause severe injury or death.
Do not tether yourself to any stationary or moving object such as a stake, snowmobile, or car
while flying this kite.
Always stay in control and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects
SNOWKITE: People downwind or down slope have right of way. It is your responsibility to
avoid them
SNOWBOARD: People down slope have right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them
You must not stop where you obstruct others or are not visible.
Whenever starting or merging with others look upwind/up hill and yield to others.
Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
Observe any and all posted signs and warnings
Keep out of closed areas
SNOWBOARD: Prior to using any lift you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride
and unload safely.
Do not snowboard/snowkite when tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Snow terrain and snowboarding/snowkiting conditions vary constantly--watch out for and avoid
any man made structures, trees, rocks, debris, variations in terrain or slopes, avalanche areas,
crevasse, cliffs, power lines, water hazards, changes in snow surfaces or texture due to altitude
and sun exposure, wind and weather changes, and any other conditions which could affect your
ability to properly control your snowboard/snowkite.
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