Chapter 3: ROM Monitor Commands
CSMIM2 Installation Guide
If you enter the command with the –d argument, the console displays the
current load/dump interface list. You cannot specify both the –d argument
and the interface list with the same command. The sequence –d
command display looks like this:
Entering a number for a port that has not been configured properly for
SLIP causes the Port nn is not configured for SL/IP message to display,
where nn is the port number.
SELF option appears only if the self-boot image is loaded.
The CSMIM2 can slip boot over any port except Port 1.
monitor:: sequence
Enter a list of 1 to 4 interfaces to attempt to use for
downloading code or upline dumping. Enter them in the order
interfaces are:
Ethernet: net
SELF: self
Enter interface sequence [net]:: sl12, net
Interface sequence: sl12,net
they should be tried, separated by commas or spaces. Possible
SL/IP: sl12,sl14,s115
monitor:: sequence -d
Interface sequence: sl12,net