CSMIM2 Installation Guide
During a boot, the console may display four possible status symbols: “.”
indicates received data blocks, “?” indicates unanswered requests, “*”
indicates transmission errors, and “! ~XXXX~” is a status word from the
Ethernet chip on the CSMIM2 indicating a gross problem with the
Ethernet connection (if this symbol appears in your boot command
display, contact technical support).
The status word “! ~XXXX~”, where XXXX are four hexadecimal digits,
decodes as follows:
8000 =
Command complete
4000 =
Chip is busy
2000 =
Command completed without error
1000 =
Command aborted by an abort command
800 =
Late collision detected
400 =
Carrier lost
200 =
CTS lost
100 =
DMA underrun
80 =
Transmission deferred because link was busy
40 =
Collision detected during interframe spacing
(SQE/Heartbeat detected)
20 =
Excessive collisions
10 =
The lowest nibble (bits 3 to 0) are a count of collisions during this
transmission. For example:
~8802~ = Complete, Late collision, 2 collisions
~8841~ = Complete, Late Collision, SQE detected, 1 collision