The technique used to determine the position of a Sonde is always
the same irrespective of which Sonde is being used.
Before inserting the Sonde into the pipe it is best to set up the Locator
so that the Sensitivity is correctly adjusted to suit the pipe depth.
This is much easier to do when the Sonde is visible at the bottom
of the manhole rather than already some distance up the pipe.
The blade of the Locator must be held IN LINE with the Sonde
at all times.
1. Turn the Locator to Generator/ Transmitter Mode and switch on.
For the MXL4 Locator, the correct frequency must also be selected.
Check the Battery Level Indicator to confirm the Locator batteries
are usable. Replace if necessary.
2. Keeping the blade of the Locator in line with the Sonde, move the Locator
backwards and forwards
over the length of the Sonde. Adjust the Sensitivity
until a clear peak response is shown on the display as the Locator passes
directly over the position of the Sonde.
Still keeping the blade of the Locator in line with the Sonde, now move
the Locator from
side to side
over the position of the Sonde. A similar
peak response should be seen on the display as the Locator passes
directly over the position of the Sonde. The Locator is now set up
ready for tracing the Sonde.
3. Push the Sonde up the pipe.
Non-Metallic Pipe Tracing:
Tracing a Sonde
This is at 90º to the way in which the Locator is held
for most other locating tasks.