Using the Signal Generator/ Transmitter:
This is the standard method for inducing signals onto buried metallic
services. It produces a strong signal directly below the Signal Generator/
Transmitter but the signal strength drops off quite quickly either side
of the Signal Generator/Transmitter.
1. Check that there are no accessories plugged into the Connection
Socket. The Signal Generator/Transmitter switches automatically
to Induction Mode when the socket is unused.
2. Place the Signal Generator/Transmitter upright on the ground where
you suspect the services are buried. Make sure the Signal Generator/
Transmitter is in line with the expected route of these services.
3. Turn the Signal Generator/Transmitter on and check that the batteries
are OK.
For MXT4 only, select 8kHz, 33kHz, CF or 131kHz (HF). It is not possible to
induce a 512Hz or 640Hz signal onto buried services.
4. The signal will be radiated into the ground immediately below and for
approximately 3 m (10’) either side of the Signal Generator/Transmitter.
The closer the Signal Generator/Transmitter is to the position of the buried service then the stronger the signal will be
on that service.
Only metallic services that are approximately in line with the Signal Generator/Transmitter orientation will be energised
with a signal. Metallic services that are crossing the line of the Signal Generator/Transmitter will NOT be energised.