a. Click “Restart”Button to Restart Camera.
b. Click“Restore setting”Button to restore default
a. Original:Input Original Account Name,default:admin
b. Original PIN:Input Original PIN,Default:admin
c. New Account:Input New Account Name
c. New PIN:Input New PASSWORD
Click“Modify” to saved the New Account information
Note: In the process of modifying the account and password, if the original account and
password are incorrect, the new account and password cannot be activated. The super
account that the system logs in: administrator Super password: 666666. Reset Restart Account Modify
c.Firmware Upgrade:Click the "Browse" button to load
the upgrade file and click "Upgrade" to Start upgrade
the current camera.
The upgrade progress bar shows the current upgrade
status, showing 100%, indicating that the upgrade is
Note: Restart the camera after the upgrade is