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TYPE RND function
This function has sense only in this case, regarding that switching it on the robot plays the set places in the
programmed way but it chooses randomly from the set ball types.
In case the PLACE rnd or the RND are also switched on together with the TYPE RND, then the robot
chooses totally random from the set places and values.
The rallies’ balls correction
In case it turns out during the play that the values of a ball should be changed, then the rally can be stopped
with the
or with the
buttons and the values of the ball can be modified.
It is advisable to push the designator button of the subject ball - even during the play – because then the
robot stops immediately and this ball will get current (actual). After finishing the set, the play can be
started again wit the help of the
button. (Use the
during the set.)
Please note: At restart („Ball/min”, „Start/stop”) the robot starts the play always with the first
ball of the rally.
In case of the
PowerPong 3000
it is possible to set any of the balls of the rally during the play. If you
during the play
the Trajectory, then the curve
of each ball
can be changed a bit in the same time
the „Speed”, then the speed
of each ball
can be gently changed together
and with the “Ball/min %” the tempo can be changed of course
and in case
the spin
of the balls in the rally is
the same for each
, then using the “Spin” button, also the
spin of all the balls in the rally can be changed simultaneously. (If the spins of the set balls are differ-
ent, then this function is not available.)
The buttons for setting the values function during the play only in “one push - one step”.
Rallies with service
The designation of the 1. and 2. balls (1-S., 2-S.) is possible in to steps.
Normal designation (1): pushing once the designator button (yellow LED light)
Service designation:(S): pushing twice quickly one after the other the designator button (green LED light)
If you get the first LED green, and you set a value typical for a service (the ball to go first on the ro-
bot’s side of the table) and you set any other type of ball to the other places, then the robot makes a
short break (1-1,5 s) before the service.
If you get the second LED green, the robot plays the here set service only once after the start, which
won’t be played again until the stop
If you get both two LEDs green, then the robot plays in turn one or the other services, and before those
always makes a short break.
If you switch on the TYPE RND function in this case, the robot will mix the balls like it has done until
now, but it makes a short break before the services.
Tip: In case of setting slow services it is advisable to use the „Ball/min %” function in minus
direction, in order the next ball not to come too quickly while the player is occupied with giving
back the service.